Does anyone know of amy good Lawyers??

Well after all my complications and problems I have decided to contact a lawyer. I did speak with one Lawyer and he told me after reviewing my medical file and surgery info that what happened to me was a risk I took for the surgery. BULL. So does anyone know a good lawyer I can call about this?    — lynbaby B. (posted on September 5, 2003)

September 4, 2003
hi, after reading your profile and the problems you gave listed there, it seems the lawyer told you right. You don't have a lawsuit unless there is something going on that you haven't written in your profile.
   — Delores S.

September 4, 2003
I agree with the previous poster. I see nothing in your profile that smacks of malpractice...JR
   — John Rushton

September 4, 2003
Lyn, I am sorry you had so many complications after your surgery. I hope you are feeling better now. I am going to e-mail you privately regarding your question.
   — Hackett

September 5, 2003
Lyn, There are lots of possible complications and side affects from this surgery. This is why research is so important. Unfortunantly, it's easy to shut our ears to the negative when we want it so badly. The only way you will have a case is if the surgeon screwed something up. If you're just experiancing the side effects of the surgery, but the surgery itself was performed correctly, then you wouldn't have a case. Hope things get better for you.
   — mom2jtx3

September 5, 2003
I read your profile and you have been thru a lot. If you truely want to sue formalpractice You will surely find a lawyer willing. Usually they don't get paid unless the win on a malpractice type case. they usually get about 30% of the "winnings". If they see your case asnor having merit, you will have a hard time finding an attorney who will take the case. you might find one who will take the case on and "hourly pay " basis. Most decent attorneys are makinf at least $250.00 an hour in my area, although the top notch ones are quite a bit more. If yo prceeded with this there is no guarentee you would win. Most attorneys want a sizable retainer up front. You have to relly consider if you want to put that much money into something that you have already been told by one attorney is not a winable case. Another factor to consider. Most malpractice cases take more than 5 years to resolve, often even longer. Do you want this to rule your life for possibly years to come? and then still not win. You have put n your posts that you have lost a significant amount of weight and that you would do it again. If you were on a jury what would you think?
   — **willow**

September 5, 2003
I am sorry you experienced the things you did but like the others said there does not appear to be any malpractice. Part of my incision was open for 4-1/2 months and I had to pack it twice a day. I know sometimes it is hard to let go of something but it most likely would be in your best interest to find peace with the problems you had. Focus on your new healthy life. Why hang onto anything that reminds you about your morbidly obese life? There is no need for that life to control you any more and by hanging onto the things that happened it is controlling you. It's just not worth it. I am not trying to make light of your situation but you are far from the worst as far as complications. You have survived and are whole and have done wonderfully etc. If you continue with eating problems take a SERIOUS look at how fast you are eating and chewing. In hindsight I am fairly confident either all or a significant amount of my throwing up problems was caused by eating too fast. I did not realize it then and it took me a good couple of months to realize it. The further out we get the easier it is to slip back into old habits and not even realize it. <p>Just focus on how far you have come and the fact that you have a life again and put the rest to bed.
   — zoedogcbr

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