How much weight have (pounds)

after a breast reduction? my second question, how much (pounds ) have you lost after TT? Im having my breast reduction in 18 days, due to bad yeast infections under my breast. Im going to have the TT probley May of next year I still need to lose 40-40- pounds. Just wondering    — Schatzie1 (posted on September 1, 2003)

September 1, 2003
I lost 6 pounds of breast tissue with my BR in March 2001. I am scheduled for a TT as long as I get insurance approval on October 6th, I will be more then happy to let you know the second part of your question after that. Good Luck!!!!
   — Stephanie B.

September 1, 2003
It will all just depend on howmuch excess you have to get rid of....I know a girl who lost between 6-7 lbs on her TT.
   — Saxbyd

September 1, 2003
I lost 7# of tissue with my TT and breast reduction so I thought my weight would go down by that much. Wrong! At first it went up 10# due to the post-op swelling then dropped 16#. I thought ALRIGHT! Then my weight went right back to where it was pre-op-- it was very disappointing. Incidently the same thing happened after my arm reduction and thigh lipo; I lost 6# and it came right back!
   — LLinderman

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