Anyone have a baby after WLS?

Has anyone had a baby post-op? I would like to know how that went after having WLS. Was it hard to gain weight for the pregnancy? Was it hard losing those pounds afterward? And most important was the baby healthy???    — Kara J. (posted on August 31, 2003)

August 31, 2003
Kara, I talked to the doc about this. You need to plan your pregnancy and see the doc more than avg. He suggest wait 18-24 months post op. You will need special diet tips for nutrient intake but its possible for you and baby to be very healthy. Weight gain would be like anyone else trying to lose. If you follow doctors intake guide you shouldn't over gain and won't have to worry with excess weight gain. You would see both wls surgeon and ob doc thru pregnancy. Good luck
   — Katie Y.

August 31, 2003
Go to the library and do a search on pregnancy. I'm sure you will find tons of info. There also is a Yahoo WLS pregnancy group but I do not know the name of it. I'm sure they can provide lots of good info also. I know it is considered best to wait the 18 months to get pregant for both the mom and baby.
   — zoedogcbr

August 31, 2003
There is a terrific yahoo support group on WLS and pregnancy....check it out for more info. My surgeon recommends waiting 12 months or until weight is stable. I actually got pregnant at 4.5 months post op. I had some pregnancy complications unrelated to surgey, but had a very healthy baby boy who was about the same weight as my pre-op baby. I lost weight throughout the pregnancy (stayed stable the last 2 months). I then lost another 15 pounds to put me at goal 4 weeks after giving birth. With the right prenatal care, you can absolutely have a successful and healthy pregnancy!
   — emilyfink

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