Does anyone else try to relate every health problem to

   — Shelley. (posted on August 28, 2003)

August 28, 2003
There are some people who think that everything that goes wrong is caused by the surgery. Of course that is not always the case. I went into the hospital with nausea and dehydration and my sister was certain it was caused by the surgery - as it turned out, I had a severe case of diverticulosis - I would have been sick no matter what. I was treated by my WLS surgeon because I thought at first it was a blockage - he checked everything out and called in a gastrointerologist who found the problem. They treated me together.
   — Patty_Butler

August 28, 2003
Oh boy can I relate to this! I had to come home sick from work on Saturday. I had a horrible sinus infection with horrible postnasal drip that caused me to be extremely nauseated and to throw up several times that day at work. I was able to gracefully leave the room and go to the bathroom for that at least, thank God! Everyone kept telling me how bad I looked, and I know they think it was related to the surgery. I even had someone who had the nerve to ask me if I was throwing up because I had eaten something that I shouldn't have! I had to laugh at her because the truth was that I could not eat much due to the nausea. I had had a total of one saltine and 2 teaspoons of applesauce that whole day (this was at 3 p.m.). However, I did make sure that I drank and did get my fluids in. The truth is I was just plain sick and would have been surgery or not. Everyone I work with knows about my surgery, and for the most part they have been supportive. However, I feel a lot of pressure on me for nothing to ever go wrong here and for me to do well with my weight loss because I have so many people watching, including several who are thinking about surgery. I know I am putting the pressure on myself, but I can't help feeling that I need to be the perfect poster child for GBS.
   — DebT

August 28, 2003
Of course they do. Why wouldn't they, we were all in sucyh perfect health before surgery right. I don't think so. I too had symptoms that mimic problems that are mostly WLS related. I've suffered with sinus problems for over 20 years and for those that have had the post nasal drip, you know the feeling ain't a pleasant experience, but yes, let's just blame everything on the surgery. Boy how they all forget that some of us suffered with many problems prior to surgery including getting the flu. I feel sorry for everyone when flu season is in full force. I'm ready to stop telling people I had the surgery, just to avoid such silliness.
   — Rosa F.

August 29, 2003
I had some problems before WLS, some was related to other non weight related surgeries. But I know for a fact that I do have alot of health problems because of WLS. Some have resolved themselves with time and healing. Others have not. I think we really need to be a year out before we really know what problems are wls related as it takes time to heal.
   — Danmark

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