Is it very odd to still have a lot of pain in crook of arm from IV 6 weeks post op?

I'm going to see my PCP, but I would really like to know if anyone else has had this problem. His nurse didn't seem familiar with this - I hope HE will be! Your help is appreciated!    — Postop_nurse (posted on August 25, 2003)

August 25, 2003
My arm was very sore for the first two months after surgery. I was starting to get concerned because it was sore from the crook of my arm all the way down the inside of my arm to the wrist. I started wondering if I had gotten some kind of infection but it eventually went away. I just chalked it up to the veins being traumatized from being handled so much and all the fluids that were being pumped into me for the entire week I was in the hospital. It will probably pass but it's a good thing you're seeing your doc. I hope you feel better soon!
   — MomBear2Cubs

August 25, 2003
I am 1 month post op and I just had one of my incisions heal. (it had gotten infected from the stitch) and I still have a bump where the iv was in my hand! It's very sore too!
   — Beverly S.

August 25, 2003
I wouldn't say I had a LOT of pain, but I remember being concerned that my arm felt sore and appeared bruised longer than I thought it should have. Everything turned out ok. It's good that you're going to your PCP though, he can put your mind at ease one way or the other.
   — sandsonik

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