After standing or light housework, I feel light-headed...

I am 2 weeks post-op and after I stand for a while or if I'm doing light housework, I start to feel lightheaded, like I need to sit down. I do sit or lay down for 15-30 minutes and after that I'm okay for a while, then I need to sit down again later, etc. Has anyone else experienced this? I'm so tired as it is, it would be nice to be able to get things done without sitting down every half-hour! :)    — beeda (posted on August 25, 2003)

August 25, 2003
Are you getting all of your water in that you should? You may be dehydrated. I would check into your blood pressure also.
   — ChristineB

August 25, 2003
I agree with Christine, the biggest culprit is usually dehydration. It could also be that your body is still recovering from surgery. Everyone gets back to things at different paces. Make sure you take your vitamins. I had a problem with dizziness post op and it was determined that my vagus nerve (near stomach and intestines) was compressed due to the swelling in my abdomin. I am fine now.
   — M B.

August 25, 2003
This is a "very common complaint" after WLS. I'm 28 months post op and this still happens to me "all the time". So far I have'nt passed out but I've come close. In my case I think it's low blood pressure. My blood pressure has been as low as 80/40! I kid you not. I've had my pressure taken from sitting to standing and it dropped over 20 points! So blood pressure dropping is one of the problems.
   — Danmark

August 27, 2003
My surgeon says this is usually do to being a little dehydrated.
   — jennifer A.

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