LAST CHANCE to ask my surgeon anything I might need to know. What would you ask your

surgeon if you were going to see them for the last time? My wonderful doctor is leaving BTC and going into private practice. Because of her non-compete clause, she is not able to do bariatric surgery for some time. I have a final follow up visit on Thursday. What questions would be wise for me to ask her? I want to make sure I cover all the bases. I know BTC has other good surgeons, but she is the only one who has ever had her hands inside me and knows my medical history. I can't imagine anyone but Dr Julie Leverton taking so much care and skill with me. Please help me with thinking of things that you might want to know from your surgeon if you were never going to see them again. I had open rny five months ago. Thanks for your help. Email me with ideas to [email protected]. Best regards, Ann in TX    — Ann B. (posted on August 20, 2003)

August 20, 2003
There is absolutely no legal reason why you cannot see this doctor in private practice. She is not going to do bariatric surgery on you so there is nothing to compete about. She is just another doctor you choose to see for a medical condition. You will likely have to pay her, but follow up visits are not expensive and well worth it if you feel most comfortable with her.
   — zoedogcbr

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