How to choose proper goal weight?

Several have asked me what my goal weight is? I am not sure, as I was never at this weight (except as I flew past in as a child, I'm sure) How do you select a goal weight?    — Laura B. (posted on August 10, 2003)

August 10, 2003
My pcp told me that you should weigh 100 lbs for the first 5 feet of height plus 5 lbs for every inch over 5 feet. For example I am 5'9" so I should weigh about 145. However, I know that is extremely low for me. At my thinnest I weighed 165, so if I get close to that I will be happy.
   — ckreh

August 10, 2003
I'm 5'9 and would NEVER consider getting down to 145. I want to look healthy not sickly. For me the absolute bottom is likely 165-175. I'm not sure I will ever choose to go below 200 as I cannot fathom weighing less than that. At 240 I wore 18/20 bottoms and 14/16 tops. I feel a size 12 is about as low as I want to go, if even that far. A size 10 or 8 is not in my picture. The formula the previous poster mentioned would be the bottom end of the insurance weight charts.
   — zoedogcbr

August 10, 2003
My goal weight was to be half the man I used to be. I started at 427, so half of that is 213 (to the next lowest pound). When I make it to 213 (I'm 29 pounds away at 13 months out), I'll just have to set another goal. I won't be thin at 213 (I'm only 5'4") but I'll be thinner than I've been in well over 20 years...JR
   — John Rushton

August 10, 2003
If you go to the gallery page they have a weight loss planner. You type in your height then your weight. It then tells you how an average of what you should lose each month, granted everyone is diff. so you may not lose exactly or even close to what the graph says, and it tells you what your goal weight should be. They come up with an ideal body weight for you. Mine is 147 lbs. At 5'8 my own personal goal is 145 lbs. I'm 168lbs as of today and 2 months away from my 1 yr. anniversary. I don't think I'll make goal by then, hopefully by 18 months out I'll be there. Good luck to you sweetie.
   — Heather B.

August 10, 2003
My surgeon set my goal weight to what would bring me to a normal BMI (the high end). I thought it was too high, but now that I'm here (5'7", 155) it seems to be right. I weigh more than I look. People guess that I weigh around 130. I wear a size 8 at this weight.
   — mom2jtx3

August 10, 2003
I always thought I knew what I wanted to weigh when I started this whole journey when I got to my goal weight. I was very wrong and realized it was formed totally by years and years of being dictated to by the media and their views of what a woman should weigh. I thought I want to weigh 135lbs. and continued on this idea until I had lost about 80 percent of my weight. I had a friend ask me how much more I wanted to lose and I told her 50lbs.and she said emphatically "No you don't" and then asked me how tall I was. I did not take it as well she doesn't know I have to take into account how much I am going to lose when I get the reconstructive surgery done and then I will be at goal for sure. I realized I was much closer to my goal than I had realized. After that I was even more impressed with my progress and complete success then I was before. I realized as well that I was totally not seeing myself as others were and I was probably seeing myself much heavier than I actually am. It was very eye opening and refreshing to have actually a few people confirm the fact that I did not need to lose as much as thought I did but it was totally not done in a way like you are too thin and need to stop losing. I feel awesome and the number on the scale does not change that. Good luck and take care.

August 11, 2003
I have always totally disagreed with the insurance weight tables, which is what the surgeons usually recommend as a goal weight. They are set too low. Also, if you set your goal weight too low then you set yourself up for failure as many post-ops never make it to their original goal, and settle within 20 pounds or so above that. A better way of setting a goal is to use a clothing size. Keep in mind that your bone structure comes into play and most larger boned people would look sick at a size 6, but a petite person would not. Also, listen to your friends and family. Although the scale may say more than you'd like to see, your friends and family will not lie to you. If they say you are too thin, believe them. It often takes our brains quite some time to catch up to our body size-our body images are skewed for quite a while. For me, I wanted to be a size 10-I would accept a size 8, but I had been a size 10 before and liked it. My surgeon wanted me to meet the weight charts and settle at 130. I said, no way, it was 145 for me. I just hit 18 mo post op and am at 148 and a size 10. I feel successful, but if I had set the goal for 130, I would be feeling frustrated right now. Be realistic when setting a goal. Also keep in mind that whatever weight you settle or choose to be at, you then must sustain that amount of calories to maintain. The less you weigh, the less calories to maintain. From someone who likes to eat, I prefer the amount of calories to keep me a size 10, then the smaller amount it would take to be a size 8!
   — Cindy R.

August 11, 2003
I'm 5'3 1/2 and never had a weight problem until my 20's. I was very athletic and weighed 123 in high school, and wore 28 and sometimes 30 waist jeans. I got up to 319. The surgeon said the average is 70% of excess weight. I had hoped for about the "middle of the Normal BMI range" which would be around 129/130 for my height. Well, here I am 27 months post op and my body wants to weigh 162-164 which means a size 34 jeans. I carry all my weight in the hips, a## and thighs with some in my gut too. In other words, I'm "bottom heavy". Very skinny on top! I've lost half my body weight yet I'm still in the overweight bmi range". So I'm very disappointed as I've had alot of health issues since wls (some related to wls and others not) and I still have no energy. Feel like crap. Then to top it off, I'm still overweight! Geese! Anyway my guess, would be to set your goal at 70 or 75 percent excess weight loss. Then "IF" you are fortunate to get in a Normal BMI range, great! If not, hopefully you won't be as disappointed as some of us are whe are still overweight after wls. (It certainly was'nt a lack of trying on my part).
   — Danmark

August 14, 2003
I suggest that you consider body fat content in deciding what your weight goal will be. I am 235 pounds and have a 23% body fat content which puts me in the 'fit' range. I wear a size 16-18 and feel normal for the genetics of my family. I also feel great and am very active. Good Luck to you!
   — merri B.

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