Heart Murmur Because of rapid weightloss?

Went to see my OBGYN the other day. She asked me to go and see my PCP in the immediate future in order to have him look further into what she heard while taking a listen to my heart. She seems to think I have developed a heart murmur and thinks it's related to my rapid weight loss. I have an appt to see my PCP and discuss/sxplore this further. But, in the mean time, I'm wondering if anyone else has experienced this? I found nothing in the library referencing this problem. Pre-surgery, I was given and EKG which I passed no problem and have no history of heart problems except high blood pressure. I have to admit, I am a little nervous and scared (even though this could be a little thing) I know about and was prepared for a host of of other complications- but not this one. It's come out of left field. Anyone have any thoughts on this?    — LMCLILLY (posted on August 6, 2003)

August 6, 2003
This is a new one on me. I wonder if it was there all along but the fat absoprbed the sound. Now that you lost a lot your doc can hear it. I have never heard its a WLS side affect.
   — bob-haller

August 6, 2003
I had the exact opposite happen. I had a mitral valve prolapse, and when I asked about pre-medication for the surgery, my PCP asked when my last ecocardiagram was. He is also a cardiologist. It was in '99. he did another one and it had disappeared, without a trace. This occurred 10 days before surgery. Ya never know. I never heard of your situation, either. Good luck!!!
   — Fixnmyself

August 6, 2003
Of course I can't remember where I read this, but recently read that it could be related more to a vitamin deficiency and for the life of me can't remember which one. Just thought I'd mention it.
   — ZZ S.

August 6, 2003
I found out I had one after I had my last c-section. It hasn't effected my life at all. I had no idea you could develop that, I thought people were born with them (like my brother). So, maybe it's just something that happens in life, without it being *because* of anything else? I've been through 2 more surgeries since I found out, and I've been just fine. :)
   — Diana L.

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