Seeking A Facility for a Stress Test with Treadmill that will accomodate 400+ lbs.

I live in the Niagara Falls N.Y. area.The hospitals that I have tried all have weight limits. Also how is a Dobuttamine Stress Echo different? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks loads, Gods Blessings, Debi    — Debi H. (posted on August 1, 2003)

August 1, 2003
Because I was so large 350 and I had a bad leg muscle the hospital did what they call stress test in a bottle.It made me feel like I had a hangover ten times over for about 8 minutes.The test totally duplicates you running 12 minutes at 16% incline.Although this is a very rough test it gave the Doctor all the information needed and was agreat help in getting my Surgery approved.I hope this helps...
   — Lisa B.

August 1, 2003
Dobutamine is a drug that increases your heart rate to simulate activity, so all you do is lay there, no trotting on a treadmill. After they get a target heart rate they do the echo or EKG.
   — Sungurl B.

August 1, 2003
I live in Pittsburgh, PA and all the surgeons here would operate on someone of your size. This area is actually known for its bariatric surgery and one of our surgeons was an inventor of the Lap rny process. The names of the locals that I know would operate are Dr. Giselle Hamad of Magee Womens Hospital, Dr. Philip Schauer and associates of Magee Womens Hospital, Dr. Anita Courcoulas of UPMC Shadyside Hospital, and Dr. Quinlin of UPMC St. Margrets Hospital. The UPMC hospital system has places to stay post op in Pittsburgh for patients that are far from home. Amy
   — Amy S.

August 2, 2003
my doctor ordered a stress test for me. i agreed becuase the last time they did this awful IV test that is lie ka treadmill with drugs to spead up your heart (it was terrible i said never again) when i got tot he test the doctor there told me "you are too fat for this test, "when i replyed " is there somehting else i can do then?" he siad "there is nothing else we can do for you!" and turned and walked out! i was so mortified. i will never forget how horrible it is to be a Super morbidly obese person and how horrible people tend to treat us.
   — janetc00

August 2, 2003
I also was sent to do a stress test last year which was not related to my quest for WLS. When I arrived the doctor who was to perform the test said that he couldnt do it because of my size. Apparently in Michigan there is a state law that prohibits anyone over 350 undergoing a stress test due to the fact that it has caused serious problems and even death in some MO patients who have had them. The doctor just did an echo on me instead to make sure my heart was ok. In a way I think that may be a plus to helping get WLS when the only way to get proper medical teatrment is to lose weight.
   — ImANewDee

August 2, 2003
I had the Persantine stress test done. It was not a pleasant experience, but it only takes less than 10 minutes for the "stress" portion of the test. Some people have no symptoms. Others, like me, have some pretty intense symptoms such as flushing, heaviness in the chest, headache, nausea. I think as long as you are prepared to have the worst of the symptoms, you can make it through. The test is performed in a very safe environment and you are carefully monitored. While you may feel like you are dying, rest assured everything will be ok.
   — Nancy B.

August 2, 2003
Hit the internet!!! My internist's nurse supposedly spent 2 weeks trying to find a place. I was 442. She could not find one. Took me 1 search on the internet and 1 phone call to find a hospital 80 miles away. Took a total of 3 calls to find one 20 minutes away. She didn't try real hard. I had insurance I could go anywhere, so that should have made it even easier. <p>I did a "WI Hospitals" search, which gave me all the hospitals or by areas of the state, I don't remember. I then started calling the Milwaukee hospitals as I figured the big city was my best bet. I called the main hospital number, asked for the area that does stress tests and then explained the situation to the person in that department. They were very helpful and could get me in within 2 days. I then called a hospital in Green Bay and they told me their table had a limit of 400 lbs but that one in Appleton had a table that went quite high. Indeed they did. That was the 3rd call. They also could get me in within 2 days. Needless to say I gave the nurse a piece of my mind and told her to finalize the paperwork for the appointment. I had the Cardiolite Stress Test. Both hospitals that could do it prefer to do it over 2 days on the SMO. They said they get better results. I actually walked on the treadmil but if you are not able to do that then they can do it with drugs for that portion. Everything went find and I got my okay. <p>So don't take no. Just do the legwork yourself. You may have a hassle with insurance but the bottom line is if the facilities that are in-network cannot accommodate you then they have to cover an out-of-network facility fully. If they say no, fight them hard. Otherwise they are denying you medically necessary treatment and for that you can sue them. Good Luck! You can do it!!!!! Chris
   — zoedogcbr

August 4, 2003
I had the dobutamine echo, and I will say that the pressure that they had to put on me in order to get good pictures was very uncomfortable. The IV drugs didn't make me sick (like some said), but the my breastbone and ribs were bruised from the pressure they used trying to get good pics. My BMI is in the mid-fifties.
   — Christy L.

August 4, 2003
I had a dobutamine stress test 5 yrs ago when I was just under 400 lbs. The drug are great, you do become symptomatic during testing (flushing, sweating, shortness of breath, chest pain) but you are there with a cardiologist aside from the tech doing the imaging, HOWEVER, as I found out from a BETTER cardiologist this year anyone - especially women close to 400 lbs should not have these tests. Aside from the fact that their tables aren't able to hold the 400 lbs - the excessive weight DEGRADES the images. A previous poster stated they had pain and bruising from where the tech has to push so hard on your body. And as women we are harder to image due to breast tissue. I'm 443 and waiting for surgery approval. After the explaination from the cardiologist (who specializes in female cardiology) and reading the research she cited I ended up having a heart cath and an EP study. Due to my size, current medical problems, medical history and that of my family medical history it was decideed these 2 tests would give the best picture of my heart. They can also measure the pressures in your heart which is especially significant info. for your anesthesiologist. You didn't specify why they want you to have a stress test but I would strongly suggest you get a second opinion and wish you luck finding a facility that can test you. I would still be suspect of their findings. E-mail me if you have any further questions. I wish you well.
   — Deborah F.

August 5, 2003
The Cardiolite Stress test doesn't have any machine pushing against your body. You are injected with a medication, but not the stuff that causes the heart to work harder, just to help them see things clearly. Then you lay on the table and they position the x-ray/camera, or whatever it is over your chest and it's placed quite close but does not touch. The table and machine are very open so no chance of clostrophobia (sp?). It depends on how you are built also. I do not have a large chest and therefore did not have tons of breast tissue to cloud the picture. Also the tables that are rated for higher weights have different systems to get through the fat and get clear pictures. I would find out which test they want you to have and be sure it has a pretty good chance of working well or ask about some of the other tests available. Chris
   — zoedogcbr

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