Has any tried Darielle pasta?
It has 10g of Carbs, 161 Calories, 28g of Protein an 7g of Fiber, but I wonder about the taste. It would be nice to have some every now and again. — sharon E. (posted on August 1, 2003)
August 1, 2003
I tried the Darielle pasta. It isn't too bad. It tastes better than Keto
pasta, but the Keto has fewer carbs. Of course it isn't as good as the
real thing but it does fill the void. I melt cheese over it for a little
mac & cheese. I have also tried it in a "pasta" salad, but
didn't care too much for that. Try it, you might like it. :)
— Penny D.
August 1, 2003
I think my review is very much like Penny's.. I've tried it.. its
ok..*grin* not the real thing, but it works. I tried it in pasta salad and
was ok with that. My mac and cheese was nasty -- might have more to do
with the cheeses I used.
— Lisa C.
February 16, 2004
I tossed the Darielle elbows with some marinara and asiago cheese and as
long as I didn't get a big whiff of it, I could get it has that
nasty "good for you" stench to it, but in limited quantities with
a STRONG sauce, you can eat it...
— Annie F.
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