Does anyone know how long you must be over a cold prior to surgery?

Seems I caught my son's cold and I'm worried that it will postpone my surgery.    — [Deactivated Member] (posted on July 28, 2003)

July 28, 2003
What the doctors would be most concerned about would be a fever and a "productive" cough which means coughing up phlegm (sorry to be gross!). They don't want to risk you getting pneumonia after surgery which could be very bad! If it's just a runny nose without the other things, you'll probably be able to have the surgery and they can give you some medication for the congestion. Call your doctor right away though just to let him/her know. Best of luck!

July 28, 2003
I caught a cold two days before my surgery, and thought I was doomed to postponement. However, the anesthesiologist didn't have a problem with it, and the surgery went forward. I think it was OK because it was a simple cold, mostly in my nose, and I wasn't having any breathing or lung problems. Good luck to you.
   — Vespa R.

July 28, 2003
When in doubt, it is always best to call your doctor and ask.
   — [Deactivated Member]

July 28, 2003
My children ages 5 and 7 both had a virus with fevers and sore throats 5 days before my surgery. They tested negative for strep. The day before surgery I woke up with a sore throat. I called my surgeon and was told as long had didn't have a fever the next morning it was ok. One of the first things that is hooked up to your IV will be antibiotics anyway. You'll be fine. 26 days post op open RNY -32lbs
   — GAYLE H.

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