I'll Be Alone In The Hospital Post Op..Need Input

Hi guys- I'm a young gal (20) with no friends that live close by. My mother is the only one I have here that has supported me through this and is really going to make an effort to come to the hospital. She works long hours, however, and I know that she will be dead tired so I don't want her to sacrifice her time to rest simply because I'm feeling lonely. Will the fact that no one will be around be particularly difficult to deal with after surgery when I'm alone in my room, or will I be too out of it to care? I know I'll be able to bear it, but I was just wondering what everyone else's experience was. I'd love to hear anything y'all have to say. :)    — mars.renee (posted on July 27, 2003)

July 27, 2003
I was in the hospital four days and my husband only came once and the day he came to get me. Business obligations. I did just fine. I was not lonely, did not read, Watched a little tv when I felt like it , slept and walked. I did not need to depend on anyone. The nurses helped. Oh, i might add, he did spend the night with me the day of surgery because he was afraid after I had a bad experience in the middle of the night with another surgery last year. That was more serious than this one.
   — Delores S.

July 27, 2003
I forgot to say you probably will not feel like having to talk to someone in the room anyway.
   — Delores S.

July 27, 2003
I didn't have anyone come the day of my surgery. I knew I would be out of it. However, by afternoon, I was feeling pretty good. I got up and walked a bit, watched a little TV and napped some. I had visits from my brother and sister over the next few days, but they didn't stay long, so I was alone most of the time. I really didn't mind. I did the same things, walked, watched TV, napped. I never felt like I could concentrate enough to read anything more than magazine articles, so I did a little bit of that. I found that the nurses responded to my call light pretty quickly and didn't feel like I needed anyone there.
   — garw

July 27, 2003
I was only in the hospital a total of 25 hours. I got to the hospital at 10:00am My surgery was at 12:30pm. I was in my room by 6pm. Up walking the halls at 8:30pm. I tried to watch TV but really wasn't interested. I was too busy trying to keep my mouth moist! Anyway, my husband left for home at 6:30pm that night and he came to pick up me at about 9:30pm. I left the hospital at 11:30am. I really didn't mind being alone.
   — babrewer

July 27, 2003
My stay at the hospital was 5 days the first week and the last thing i wanted was visitors or phone calls. the few i did get more or less annoyed me. i ended up back the 2nd week for 4 more days and still felt the same as far as visitors go. good luck to you and a speedy recovery to you
   — sandra L.

July 27, 2003
Hi there. My stay in the hospital was like that of a vacation type of thing. 3 nights and 4 days. (Minor blood pressure and sugar problems) The first day (day of surgery) I was out of it completely. I could have cared less if anyone was there or not. Day 2 was a little better. Getting up walking around. Figuring out drinking etc. The 3rd day was good. I was happy that a few family members and friends came to see me then. It was easier. I was able to carry on a normal conversation without feeling like I would fall asleep and miss something. For me it was all about the focus on getting up and walking and getting in my fluids. Don't worry. You'll do fine.
   — Kitty Kat

July 27, 2003
Personally, being alone at the hospital was no problem. Like you, I thought I'd be bored and lonely, but was so doped up and exhausted all I did was sleep! As soon as I got "bored"(day 3) I knew it was time to leave, and I bugged the nurse endlessly to call my doc and get me discharged. I really doubt you'll notice not having visitors! (If I lived in your state, I'd visit you -but you'd be too tired to notice anyway)! Best wishes!!!
   — Postop_nurse

July 27, 2003
Don't worry about it, you'll be fine without visitors. The hospital I went do was not easy to get to for my family and friends. I was there from Tuesday to Thurssday, so smack in the middle of the work week. My sister was there the day of surgery, and I sent her home late in the afternoon because there was no need for her to be there. She came back for about 2 hours on Wednesday evening (while I appreciated her concern, I would rather have slept), and then to pick me up Thursday evening. I discouraged all others from making the trip (and no one came!), and I was just fine. Between the nurses and aides coming in to check on you and poke you, and getting up to walk, and being taken for your leak test, and trying to get in a nap, you won't miss visitors. I was kind of glad that I was on my own and didn't have to entertain anyone. You'll be fine!
   — Vespa R.

July 27, 2003
Hi, I'm 25, single and had open RNY in April 2 hours from where I live. My mother is an RN and took vacation time to be with me in hospital. She got a hotel room nearby. While it was nice to have her there when I needed help to sit up or walk the halls with, I have to admit most of the time she was asleep in the chair while I was asleep in bed. The last day when I was most awake, she was getting her car worked on (she bought it in that city) and went outlet shopping. In the past year I've been in the hospital more than I would like, and most of the time have had no visitors and didn't mind at all. I had what I needed and knew if I wanted to talk I could call someone. The last time I had a roommate I can remember she kept getting phone calls and visitors and she finally yelled at one of them and said "I'm sick, I don't feel like chatting, I'm sorry!" So you'll be fine, but I'm sure your mom won't see it as a sacrifice to make sure your o.k. mommies are nice that way:)
   — Sarahlicious

July 27, 2003
hi Marcie, I was the same way my hospital was 2 hours away from family and friends.My husband stayed the day of surgery and than went home. the next 2 days i was by my self. It was kinda nice It forced me to get up and move and my recovery has been fairly easy.I had meet a girl that had surgery the same day as me on this website and we met in the hospital after surgery . We walked together and talked . The hospital stay goes quickly.enjoy.I had to wait after being discharged at 10:00am till 7:00pm for my husband to get off work and come get me. the nurses were fine with it plus I got my supper--broth and jello yumyum. YOou will be fine and you can eat and rest when you want concider it a mini of luck and a godspeed recovery.
   — patty L.

July 27, 2003
Marcie, You will sleep the first day, and sleep & watch Tv for a couple of days after that. I can remember the first 2 days of just wishing my visitors would go home...even my parents. You may not want to read or anything like that, if you do get bored, you can make a phone call to talk to someone. Good luck. MaryLyn
   — Kriola

July 27, 2003
To be honest I was glad when my visitors left. I truly wanted peace and quiet and not to talk. I just did not feel very well. I was extremely sore and I had a gas buildup that cause a major problem so I was pretty darn miserable(they said it happens to like one out of 30) Heck I didn't even watch tv the entire time I was there. I was too uncomfortable. I didn't even read. Between the anestethsia and morhpin and other pain killers and then some benedryl I couldn't even keep my eyes open!
   — Beverly S.

July 27, 2003
Marcie, I just got out of the hospital on Fri. and concur with what the others said. I kinda preferred the times my family wasn't there because I could just fall asleep watching TV and not feel like I had to stay awake and talk to them. The nurses, techs, and other patients will be around-- especially when they get you up to walk. (Don't be like me-- afraid of getting up to walk-- because it was a blessed relief to get out of bed and stroll the hallways). You will be fine-- just bring whatever small amusements you enjoy that don't require a long attention span, like handheld poker games, magazines, etc. YOU GO GIRL!
   — Wendy T.

July 27, 2003
Although people often mean well, they usually don't know what it's like to be in the bed, recovering. I, for one, hate to sleep when others are in my room. I told my parents not to come,because they would have been there for HOURS. My husband was perfectly fine sleeping in the chair and watching tv while I was sleeping. I loved the opportunity to doze on and off all day. As the others have said, there are a lot of people that will come through your room to poke at you---you won't miss the guests!!
   — Fixnmyself

July 28, 2003
I agree with Barb X.! By the time you get bored, it's time to go home! Like the others said, you will probably want the peace and quiet when you can get it Let your mom get all the rest she can - you may need some help from her more when you get home! A hospital is not a hotel, and you have certain things that are ordered by the doctor to be done a certain time, whether you would prefer to sleep then or not! Also, the sooner you get up and moving, and the more you move, the easier it gets! I am 47 and I was a late case, plus there was a room crunch, so it was late when I got to my room. I didn't get up until the next morning for my leak test, but I stayed up - walking, or sitting up in a chair, until midnight that night! I went home the next afternoon. In fact, one of my co-workers came to see me, and I was already dressed and ready to go home! You will be fine without someone there with you! All the best with your surgery!
   — koogy

July 28, 2003
Maybe i'm just an odd one but I felt lonely with out anyone visiting! I had Lap Rny an had to stay 5 days due to complications. My hospital was about an hr from where I lived and no one wanted to make the trip, my husband was working and taking care of our 2 yr old so I only saw him about an hr a day. Thankfully the nurses on my floor were great, they would come in and talk to me when they werent busy. So that made it a bit better! Then again I wasnt like everyone whos posted, I wasnt drugged up the whole time and I wasnt in any pain.
   — Renee D.

July 28, 2003
Hi! I did not have any visitors either, because I was a long way from home. That was just fine. I slept alot, watched tv alot, and walked some in the hallways. You won't need any visitors, and I was in the hospital almost one week. Enjoy the rest, peace and quiet, and tv watching. You'll get alot of company when you do get home. Best of luck. You'll do fine. Take care, Kathy, Open RYN, June 23, 2003
   — Kathy R.

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