Has anyone had a panni removal while on medicare

I know this is to soon for me to ask this question but I was wondering if anyone on medicare was approved for a panni tummy tuck. Any help would be great thanks    — D P. (posted on July 25, 2003)

July 25, 2003
I just had an abdominoplasty surgery on July 8th and my insurance covered 100%. My insurance company is BC/BC of FL Health Options (HMO). Most all insurance company's will pay for this procedure "IF" you proved medically necessary. You have to provide documentation of lower back pain, rashes, sleep disorder, etc. in order to be consider medically necessary. All insurance company's want to say this is cosmetic surgery but you hang tough and demand it's reconstructive surgery not cosmetic. I was denied at first but after I appealed their decision I was APRROVED! YEAHHHH. If you need to see my appeal letter just email me at [email protected]
   — Jeanette D.

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