Should I be getting my energy back by now? 10 weeks!

I'm almost 10 weeks post date was May 14. I've lost 43 pounds (bouncing scale right now with my period.....argh!. My question today is about my energy level. I basically have none. I will get a spurt and go for a walk and I can make it no more than a mile and then have to take a nap. I understood I should be up to 2 miles by now. Plus I need a nap every day. I NEVER took naps before. I am taking all of my vitamins and getting my protein, mostly through shakes as meat gets stuck. (I even tossed a peach this morning so eating is NOT fun.) I was wondering if the B12 tablets are not working and I need a shot? What are your thoughts. Also, is it typical during "period week" to have the scales not budge? Thanks so much!    — Sharon B. (posted on July 21, 2003)

July 21, 2003
Have you talked to your doctor about your lack of energy? It might be worthwhile to have some lab work done too.
   — [Deactivated Member]

July 21, 2003
Sharon, I was 3 months post-op before I got my energy back. My doctor told me this was normal. Surgery, especially gastric bypass, affects people differently. I thought I would never get over it.I'm doing good now and it will get better for you too.
   — Debbie W.

July 21, 2003
I used to hear about all this energy post-ops had, and I was just plain tired every day! It's been getting steadily better for me since about 8 weeks post lap RNY, but I still don't have this boundless energy that others talk about. My doc ran lab tests when I expressed concern about my lack of energy about 6 weeks out. Everything came back fine, and again recently at my three month check up. You have just put your body through some pretty amazing changes, so it will take awhile to get over it. I agree with others that it might be worth having your labs checked. If you're scheduled for a three-month check up that will be coming in a couple of weeks. Discuss it then. In the meantime, give yourself some time and take it as it comes. Rest when you need to. A mile a day is good; two is better, but you'll get there in due time.
   — Vespa R.

July 21, 2003
It's extremely important you take the proper vitamins. Are you doing the B-12 sublinguals? I didn't take the time to pay attention to what 'sublingual' meant and I was tossing the tiny cherry flavored dot down my throat and taking a swig of water to finish it off. You are SUPPOSED to place the tiny dot under your tongue and let it dissolve. I had an open RNY in October and it took several weeks to get my energy back. My sister had the lap procedure in May and she bounded back with a flourish. I started feeling better when I could put REAL FOOD (I did the liquid diet, pureed foods thing) in my tummy. I needed 10 hours of sleep for 6 weeks after WLS. It's been almost 9 months for me and I feel GREAT!
   — Ginger M.

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