Calling all pear shapes!!!!

I would like to see before & after pics of pear shaped people. Please email pics to me, or let me know if you have pics posted on your profile. Thanks!! :o) ~ Cat...- 56 lbs. from my pear shaped body, lol!!    — Cat S. (posted on July 15, 2003)

July 15, 2003
I am a pre-op pear shape (big butt and hips). When I've gotten thin before I still had an ass, but no broobs...that's okay. Looking thin on top gives an overall allusion of thin-ness, aye? I can't wait to be on the losing side!
   — Caryn R.

July 15, 2003
I was a pear before wls, and still am. :(
   — Danmark

July 16, 2003
Hello,I will be 5 months postops the 25th of this month,I was a preop pearshape,am down from 312 to 220,at this point I still am big in the hips and butt,however I am 75lbs from goal. I have a friend who was pear shape,she was pear shape,now at goal,there is no butt or hips! Jamie
   — jamie H.

July 20, 2003
I started out pear shapped, but with the help of a plastic surgery and implants, I am not more proportioned. I am not suggesting this route for anyone, but it worked well for me. I will post a picture soon.
   — sheron H.

July 20, 2003
I was definitely pear shaped, but my before and after pictures don't really show how pear-shaped I was before. Click on my name to see my profile page. I just had my arms lifted and breast implants 8 days ago and the end of August I will have a TT with vertical extension and outer thigh liposuction.
   — Lynette B.

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