I am having a recurrence of bulimia...

I am seven months post op and have lost 60 pounds. I eat huge amounts and then purge. Can I stretch my pouch back out to normal size...yes I am getting psychological help...but I am very concerned that I have stretched my pouch back out. Can anyone answer my question?    — kim C. (posted on July 14, 2003)

July 14, 2003
Yes, it is possible to stretch your pouch back out. I hope that you can get this under control before you do any more damage. Be strong!
   — Kate B.

July 14, 2003
Kim- You are doing the best thing right now by seeing someone who can help you process the situation. If you are worried about the stretching, try going back to the basic - do a liquid diet for a week. I have heard that will help to shirnk it up a bit. If you are not already journaling, please try it. I don't have this same issue, but I am a complusive eater. The combination of this surgery and journaling has help keep me on track. God bless you in this journey. Cheryl Lap RNY 13 mos -125
   — Cheryl S.

July 15, 2003
Kim, your a brave person for coming here and admitting you have a problem. I'm glad you are getting help and hope you will regain control soon. It is possible to stretch the pouch but since the pouch is made from the toughest part of the original stomach, it is not that easy to stretch. With that said, constant overeating/stuffing will stretch it. To determine your pouch size, try the cottage cheese test (measure it first, then eat as fast as possible until full to determine the size of the pouch). Depending on the original size your surgeon made the pouch, at 7 mo, you should be thereabouts in the 4-8 oz range.
   — Cindy R.

July 15, 2003
Kim, I suffered from bulimia for about 13 years. I started seeing a therapist weekly, then started taking Prozac. I know that the Prozac had a huge affect on my obsesive-compulsive-self-destructive behavior. Have you tried Prozac or other meds? Please continue to work on yourself, you are worth it! Stay active. Get out of the house. Be honest with your therapist. Please contact me if you want to talk with someone who has been there: [email protected]. Caryn
   — Caryn R.

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