Anyone have ACHING buttocks post-op?
This was covered a little bit in an earlier question, but I'm in severe pain here and need help. My buttocks just ACHE all the time - to the point that I can't sit. I have asked my PCP and my surgeon. Both felt anti-inflammatories would help, BUT of course said I can't have them with my newly healing pouch. They recommended alternating heat/ice packs and continue with my pain liquid. I've tried this, but have no relief. The pain liquid doesn't seem to help at all. I'm also using a "ring" shaped pillow to sit on. Last night I tried a muscle rub cream and woke up feeling like I was sitting on a grill, lol! I had to sit in 2" of cold water for awhile. Right now, I can't even sit on my desk chair. I'm kneeling on the floor. Please, please, has anyone else suffered from this and WHAT DID YOU DO????? — Liz R. (posted on July 11, 2003)
July 11, 2003
Oh, yes, here are the details: 10 days post-op, clear liquid diet, getting
aroung 60 g. protein per day, taking vits. & calcium, had b12 shot
right before surgery. Post-op labs as of Tues. were o.k.
— Liz R.
July 12, 2003
If you can't take the anti-inflammatory by mouth, perhaps you can talk with
the pharmacist about compounding a suppository. I know-- wrong place, it
hurts! But at least you might get some medicinal halp. You're in my
Susan R.
— Susan R.
July 17, 2003
If you think that's bad, just wait till you lose a lot of weight!! I have
lost 145 lbs and my butt hurts all the TIME!! I can only sit for so long
and I have to stand up for awhile, it hurts when you sit on hard chairs,
toilet seats, everywhere! lol
— fropunka
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