Comments on Curves welcome!

Curves just came to our town. I am two months out from lap RNY and have lost 38 pounds. I have been walking for my exercise but read that I also need to do toning. I have access to exercise equipment but don't know how to properly use it and don't want to hurt myself. Any of you that have or are going to curves...has it helped tone you? Is it worth the money?    — Sharon B. (posted on July 10, 2003)

July 10, 2003
Curves has made all the difference for me. I am stronger and have more endurance than I had before. It is way to hot in Dallas to be outside walking anymore. When I first started at Curves two months ago, I could not do every machine. Some of them were either too hard on my tender tummy or I just did not fit. As of last week, I can now do the entire circuit. I really do credit Curves will helping me lose inches even when I may not be dropping the pounds as fast as I want to (especially around my period). For me, the $29 a month is well worth it. I wish you the best no matter what you decide. Ann in TX
   — Ann B.

July 10, 2003
Curves was wonderful in the begginning of my journey- preop I would not go to a regular gym, and the female aspect and fairly easy routine made exercise easy, but the farther out I was the less effective it seemed- my body needed more to than what Curves offered- and I moved on to 24 hour fitness-I am more comfortable there now-
   — ~~Stacie~~

July 10, 2003
Love it!
   — jen41766

July 10, 2003
I went on a tour of Curves with thoughts of joining, but I soon realized this would not be as I had hoped and was not for "Me". I understand full well, that is for toning. I'm sure to some, that is fine and that's all they want. I want something a bit more. I decided in water aerobics and attend that 4 times a week for an hr. Needless to say "I Love It" I have toned up so much in just the 1-2 months. I aslo arrive early and get at least a 30 minute swim in too. I walk early mornings, becauseI live in Louisana and the humidity doesn't get an worse than here. lol I make it my priority to get it in around 6am before the heat becomes unbearable. I am taking full advantage of this tool and gift I was given to get into shape and become a healthier person. I think you know it when you see it and this was the case for me. At the time I was 100 pounds overweight. I'm 5 months post op tomorrow 7/11/03 and 80+ pounds down. I'm 36 pounds to goal and 20 pounds to the Century Club! I feel better now, than ever before. Exercise is crucial to getting this weight off as well as the surgery and besides..I don't want sagging skin! lol Good Luck One And All In Your Journey!
   — Hazel S.

July 10, 2003
Be sure that the hours that Curves is open are convenient for you. The hours that they offered was the reason that I didn't join. The locations near me aren't open on Sundays and the hours just didn't fit in with my work and family responsibilities.
   — Yolanda J.

July 10, 2003
I can't say enough GOOD things about Curves. It is awesome. I joined one month ago yesterday (for the third time.) I'm 3 months post-op. I can tell a huge difference in one month. It has made me lose many MANY inches this month. It is wonderful. I have lost a total of 60lbs in 3 months and went from a size 22 to a size 12 and can wear one pair of size 10's!!! I feel a lot of this progress is owed to the Curves program. Plus it gives me energy! I also think it helped get me over a plateau I was on for a couple of weeks before I started. I think any exercise is beneficial though. Curves will let you go and try 1 day for free. Give it a try one time to see if you like it. You have nothing to lose but inches!!! Good luck in your journey.
   — Lisa C.

July 10, 2003
Thanks for asking this question. I had heard so many good things about Curves but didn't look into it because there wasn't a location convenient to me. I've been going to a gym that is more convenient and then I learned a new Curves was open closer to my home. I called and was not pleased to hear about their hours: 7:30-7:30 M-F and closed 1 1/2 hours for lunch (they can't stagger their lunches like most places??) and then 8-12 on Saturday. Although my gym is more expensive, it's open 6:30 a.m. - 10 p.m. M-F and 6:30 a.m. - 7 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. There's an olympic size pool, jacuzzi, sauna, steam, basketball court, raquetball courts, plus all the aerobic and strength training equipment and classes. Everyone in my family can enjoy the gym and it's still closer to my home. Not that Curves isn't a great idea, but it's not worth it to me when I have to arrange my schedule to meet theirs instead of the other way around. Also, my gym has a trainer that works specifically with WLS patients and she's great.
   — antiques55

July 10, 2003
As others have mentioned, the hours at Curves are not the greatest. I can't always get to the gym 3x during the week, and need a gym with weekend hours. In addition, as one of the other posters mentioned, I was concerned that after a few months, I would need something a little more advanced than Curves. I think it is great for those who have either never exercised, or who's weight seriously impedes them from getting enough of a workout at a traditional gym. I also think Curves is good because the environment is non threatening, being all women. I was a lightweight, and after a few months didn't let myself be bothered by those who might check out the "big girl" at the gym. And guess what---I wasn't the only one there. There are always men nd women who have more to lose and who are in worse shape than you!! Just take a deep breath and jump in and do it. Either with an instructor at Curves, or with a few sessions with a trainer at a traditional gym. Good luck!
   — Fixnmyself

July 10, 2003
At 42 yrs old and close to 400 lbs, there was no way I was going to join a gym full of young, healthy, muscular men & women--I was NOT comfortable with that! Curves has been perfect for me. Yes, the hours are limited; they are small franchises and the owners usually limit the staff to keep costs down. However, the atmosphere is very friendly and non-threatening to the exercise-challenged like me! I know that someday I'll outgrow (outshrink?) Curves and want to go to a gym where I can do more, but for now it's great. I even rearranged my work schedule so I could go in the mornings before work (thank goodness for my understanding boss!).
   — Maggie T.

July 10, 2003
For me and for the money.. Curves was too limited in hours as others have said and exercise options. While I too was intimidated by the beautiful bodies at a more traditional gym, once I finally got over that I realized that they were NOT all like that and no one really cares. *grin* Join what works for you. If you take the folks here as any indicator, lots of people do like Curves.
   — Lisa C.

August 14, 2003
Mt question about curves got lost in cyberspace. So I will ask here I am 61 years old, post op with arthritis pain. Will curves work for me. What is your experience.
   — faybay

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