Is this reflux?
I am almost 7 weeks post op and I have this lump in my chest after I eat. It drives me nuts. I know I have read that you need to chew, chew, chew, etc. and I do! I do not eat much meat at all since I hate this feeling, but I even get it with soup. Example: This morning about 8:30 I had 1/2 of a balance bar, chewed to non recognition, texture of paste and took 15 - 20 minutes to eat it. Nothing to drink before, during or 45 minutes after. Have only had about 8 ounces of water since and it is now 3 hours after. Nothing else in my stomach except water since dinner last night. It is like right in the middle of my chest, above my new tummy and inches below my throat, so it is not the thyroid. Any ideas? — J G. (posted on July 8, 2003)
July 8, 2003
It could also be a hiatal hernia. I had one pre-op...still have one, but
don't have the problem as much now that I'm losing weight. You may want to
ask your surgeon if he noticed a hiatal hernia while operating on you.
He/she may have seen one, but it may have been small enough that he/she
left it alone (didn't fix it while performing your wls). It can't hurt to
— Renee B.
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