Has ayone used Dr.Randall Baker in Grand Rapids Michigan?

Hi, I am considering going to MMPC and having my surgery by Doctor Randall Baker in Grand Rapids, could anyone help them if they have their surgery done by him and if so what was the out come. Thanks, Email [email protected] (if you would like)    — Dreddy (posted on July 6, 2003)

July 6, 2003
Hi, I went to MMPC and had a lap RNY with Dr Foote on 2-28-03. He is GREAT!!! THe staff are caring, and wonderful. I started out at 286 and am now 222. I also lost 11 inches from my waist!! I am very pleased with my weight loss. A friend went there and had DR Baker. She is very happy with him. she had surgery in Oct of 2002 and has lost over 150 lbs. Email me if you have questions. Rebecca
   — Rebecca H.

July 8, 2003
Hi- I personally had my "Open RNY" surgery a year ago through BTC, only because they took are insurance and I felt they knew what they were doing. Now they do not take the BCBS and my Co-Peers at work are going through Dr. Baker's office in Grand Rapids. The LAP perspective through thier office is wonderfull. They use a High Tech sophisticated adhesive over thier internal stitching to prevent the possibility of gastric leaking. Thier office claims Baker has had 0 pts leak, which is the biggest concern with LAP. However the big hurdle is getting in to see Baker himself. It is booked till Sept to actually get into him But he has I believe 3-4 other surgeons in that office including Dr Foote which is wonderful also. The Dietician part of thier program is 1500.00 BEWARE that is expected to be paid prior to surgery. It covers the Dietician and supplements. Good Luck
   — Rebecca B.

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