I can't sneeze postop

I'm 2 weeks postop from lap rny.....When I start to sneeze it suddenly stops.My sore stomache muscles are grateful but I'm wondering if this is normal?    — jennifer A. (posted on June 23, 2003)

June 23, 2003
Hey, you sound just like me! I'm 2 weeks post-op open rny, and I have the exact same thing ... I gear up to sneeze, grab the tummy pillow, and brace for pain, and then the sneeze disappears. I'll be interested to see more experienced posties' responses.
   — Dragon G.

June 23, 2003
Count your blessings hun. I wish I could not have sneezed the first couple of weeks. OUCH!
   — [Deactivated Member]

July 5, 2008
The same thing happened to me. My sneeze came back with no problems after 3-4 weeks.
   — DAnne

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