Has anyone had an epidural that was allergic to morphine?

I went and met with the anestesiologist and was told that I could have an epidural even though I have an allergic reaction to morphine and demerol. He said that the kind of reaction I have (local) is caused by histamines and that the spine can't give off histamines so I will be fine. I'm scared I don't want to have a reaction while in surgery. Thanks, Nancy    — Nancy S. (posted on June 20, 2003)

June 20, 2003
I am allergic to morphine, and was going to suggest demerol - but see that you also have a reaction to that. With my first c-section I had morphine in an epidural and it was HORRIBLE. For my gall bladder removal, they used demerol and it was ok. For my second c-section I don't even know what they used, but they were aware of the morphine problem and must have used something else because I was fine.. Actually that time I had a spinal and not an epidural - so maybe that had something to do with it. I'm still pre-op and haven't had to deal with this question yet. What is your reaction like? Mine is itchiness and shakes. That apparently is bad, but not the reaction they really worry about as life threatening. I don't know what to advise you, but if the surgeon/anestesiologist are confident that you will be OK, and you feel like you've discussed it with them and they understand, that might alleviate some of your concerns. Hugs! Good luck! Hopefully someone will have some more info for you.
   — w8free

June 20, 2003
Being a nurse, I can tell you that MOST of the time, Fentenyl is the drug commonly used in epidurals.
   — Delores S.

June 21, 2003
A reaction of hives, itching, redness and/or minor skin swelling to Morphine or Demerol (or other opiates for that matter) is not an allergy. Its a reaction to the opioid on mast cells and can usually be controlled by antihistamines like Benadryl until the symptoms subside. The reaction is usually only temporary with the use of the antihistamines the first week or less of opioid use. I had serious itching and redness when I was on morphine for a couple of weeks 2 years ago and I took Benadryl for about 4 or 5 days and had no problems after that. Every time i've had to take a morpine for pain since then (about 1 tablet every 2 months or so) I got minor itching and every time it has been less and less. When I saw an anesthesiologist pre-op and mentioned this she said they'd give me an epidural with Demerol instead which scared me because I've never had demerol and I worried about what reaction I might have to it. I discussed my concerns with the anesthesiologist (a different one) right before my surgery, she agreed and went ahead with the initial plan for morphine with added benadryl to prevent any reaction. It worked like a charm, I was virtually pain-free throughout my recovery and had no problems with itching etc. I've had morphine again on and off (every couple of months a tablet for cramps) and now I have no reaction at need for benadryl. My body has simply adjusted.
   — Jen L.

June 21, 2003
Delores - I think that the selection of the drug for the epi depends on the surgeon and the hospital. At the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, morphine is the drug of choice...JR
   — John Rushton

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