Can someone help me understand my results?

Ijust got a copy of my blood work and I don't see the surgeon until next Tuesday. What is AST(H), ALT(H), Albumin/Globulin Ratio(L), MCV(L), MCH(L) and RDW Coeff of Var(H). Thanks for all your help.    — Mary K. (posted on June 20, 2003)

June 20, 2003
I hope this link will help you.
   — [Deactivated Member]

June 20, 2003
These are all liver function tests I believe. The lab printout should list your number, as well as a reference range for what they consider to be normal. If the number is out of range, there will probably be a little "H" or "L" for high or low. The reference range from the lab is not necessarily absolute, however. They may think your numbers for a certain test should be between 10-15, and your doc may think 15.5 or 16 is nothing to worry about whatsoever. If there was something dramatically low or high, the lab would have called the doctor who ordered the tests - they call it a "critical lab value" in our area, so I wouldn't worry about it. Your doc went to school a REALLY long time to be able to interpret those numbers, so I'd say unless something is really out of range, just wait and let him tell you what the results represent in your case. A number just by itself doesn't always mean too much, its how it fits into the bigger picture, in combination with other values, that make lab tests valuable tools.
   — bethybb

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