Anyone find out they had ovarian cysts before surgery?

I got a call today from my PCP. During an abdominal ultrasound in April, 2 ovarian cysts were discovered. Monday I had a follow-up ultrasound. The cysts are still there, but a bit smaller. He wants me to see an OB/GYN and I can't get an appointment until July 10. My lap RNY is July 1. I'm afraid I may have to have my ovaries removed (I had a partial hysterectomy 6 years ago.) So here are my questions: Has anyone had surgery shortly after WLS? If so, how long after? Has anyone had ovaries removed at the same time as the WLS? (If this is possible, I'm concerned that I would probably have to reschedule the WLS for later and I REALLY don't want to do this.) First, has anyone    — Liz R. (posted on June 20, 2003)

June 19, 2003
I had lap RNY 10/15/02. Exactly six weeks later (12/1/02) I had emergency exploratory surgery because tests didn't show why I was vomitting several times a day and in horrendous pain. It turned out I had a grapefruit sized tumor on one of my ovaries and it along with the ovary was removed. I had to put off any exercise routine for another 4 weeks (other than walking short distances) but I was fine. Good luck to you.
   — Yolanda J.

June 20, 2003
Hi, Im 10 weeks post-op and with my last OBGYN visit 4 weeks ago I found out that I had an ovarian cyst. My dr so far has not said anything about having it removed yet but Im being watched closely and it is getting smaller. Im sure you'll be fine having the WLS first just let you surgeon know and I would try calling your OBGYN and tell the lady that makes the appointments about what's going on and see if you can get an earlier appointment. I hope I help alittle, Good luck. Teena
   — Teena P.

June 20, 2003
Ovarian cysts are pretty common according to my doc. I've had pcos since I was 20, so cysts are just a fact of life for me. Treatment of them would depend on what type of cyst they are, size, and whether or not they respond to treatment. As long as I take bcp, my cysts are small to non-existent per my obgyn.
   — Laurie A.

June 20, 2003
Hi! I am a fellow PCOS sufferer! I had over 100 cysts removed from my ovaries four years ago, 2 years before LAP RNY. I am 18 months out and down 220 lbs! Okay... Don't fret about those cysts. They do go away... especially if your doc has noticed it/them getting smaller. Unless your ovary is COVERED with cysts, like mine was, surgery is usually not an option. There are meds out there that they can give you that will cause the cysts to rupture. The doc keeps an eye on them and it is a highly controlled situation, so nothing else happens. I've taken the med. several times in the past four years to break up a cluster of cysts, and have never had any problems with it. What is the med? Simply four birth control pills taken on the same day, three days in a row. You will start a "period" about five to seven days later, and it will be really stinky and gross, but that is the nature of the beast. After that, all's well! The only way a doc would make you go through another surgery is if the cyst is NOT going away without meds, and does not go away after only ONE cycle of meds. Get to an endocronologist who works with PCO patients. If they go "huh?" when you ask the receptionist if the doctor works with PCO patients, then go to another doctor. You need one who is up to date on PCO. BTW: PCO is Poly-cystic Ovarian Syndrome. Hugs, and email me if you want more info, or if I can help!
   — Sharon M. B.

June 22, 2003
All I can say is please get a second opionion. I had my PCP refer me to a OB/GYN Three different times. Three different OB/GYN's. One said it was simply because I was fat. One said I had Ovarian Cancer. Then one said I had Fibroids. I finally found a new OB/GYN doctor that was honest with me and told me that they rarely are able to accuretly read the results of an ultrasound on a obese person and that they usually just go off of the symptoms and make an official diagnosis. Mind you I would have periods for weeks at a time and then nothing for months at a time. Which went on for four years. He finally prescribed a birth control called zovia. I then would only have my period once a month for three days. Please get a second opionion or make sure the doctor is sensitive to obese patients and their needs. I wish you good luck.
   — Jennifer M.

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