How many carbs should I have in a Day/Meal?

My nutritionist said that I did not need to watch carbohydrates but I want too. How many should I have a meal/day?    — Trin2rilax Cheryl McCoy (posted on June 15, 2003)

June 15, 2003
Carbs ARE our problem. Not that we are pigs, but our bodies dont' use them properly. The more carbs you eat, the more you want. I am not anti-all carbs, just sugar. And it is lethal to wt loss. We malabsorb fats, to a degree, so those are not as dangerous to our wt loss. I limit sugar to 6g per MEAL. I use grains, nuts, seeds, veggies, but step carefully with fruit.
   — vitalady

June 15, 2003
I do watch my carbs, but don't necessarily count them or am not very strict with it. I was a carb addict pre-op and not eating any makes me lightheaded, but I know going overboard will get me in trouble. SOme people eat 20grams a day, others eat 100. You'll eventually find what works good with your body, since we are all different. I personally never eat more than 20 grams carbs per meal, and I don't necessarily eat them at every meal. It's usually always less than 100grams a day. May be alot to some, but it works for me. I'm 13 months post-op and surpassed my goal weight. Gooduck to you :-)
   — Lezlie Y.

June 15, 2003
I talked to my doctor 2 weeks ago about the carb thing. and white flour. she said its ok to eat carbs. Im sure in moderation. I,ve heard we can't eat white flour she said its not true. I try not to anyway. and buy organic bread because there is no white flour in it. for lunch I eat a 1/2 sandwich with the organic bread. I eat protien and veggies for dinner. rarely eat carbs with dinner. 1/2 slice of toast for breakfast, (if any) with egg beaters. lost 81 lbs now. 5 mos out. we do need some carbs to be able to think and be healthy just use in moderation. a diabetic should have 45 carbs at each meal and 15 as a snack inbetween each meal. this is per the diabetes clinic. and before surgery. but with the surgery you should less I would think, cause you pouch is so tiny. best to ask your doctor.
   — Joan W.

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