Is vitamin B-12, in sub-lingual form, just as good as the other types?

   — Debbie R. (posted on June 12, 2003)

June 12, 2003
Sublingual is more easily absorbed. I still had trouble so I had to go to the shots.
   — Oldsoul

June 12, 2003
Ive been taking sub-lingual from Michelle Curan's site for 9 months - and my bloodwork is "perfect"
   — Debby M.

June 12, 2003
Sublingual is better than oral becasue it is absorbed better.
   — [Deactivated Member]

June 12, 2003
From what I understand, the best absorption is B-12 shots intramuscularly (IM), followed by B-12 shots subcutaneously (SQ) with the sublingual form last out of those three...JR
   — John Rushton

June 12, 2003
My surgeon has all his patients take sublingual B12 for preventative purposes. The dosage, unless your levels are low, is once weekly.
   — Patty_Butler

June 13, 2003
I take B-12 sublingual daily. I was taking the regular tablet but found it does not dissolve and get absorbed quick enough. Besides, the sublingual is fruity tasting and dissolves within a minute which means it's one less pill to swallow....YIPPEEEE! As for B-12 shots, I wouldn't take on that expense unless it is necessary. If we can prevent the need for them by taking other forms of it, why not? Please keep in mind that if I needed to have injections, I'd do it in a heartbeat. Best wishes!!!
   — Diane S.

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