Has anyone tried the low acid tropicana??

I love OJ, but am 1 week post-op and know I can't handle the acidity of real orange juice. Has anyone tried the low-acid with luck? Thanks :o)    — Jessica B. (posted on June 5, 2003)

June 5, 2003
Hello there, I actually can drink the Tropicana Low Acid No Pulp Orange Juice with no problems since my WLS (Sept. 3, 2002 -72 lbs). I did try the Tropicana with added Calcium and that burned a bit so I stick with the Low Acid No Pulp and haven't encountered any problems. Best thing to do with any "new" product you wish to try after WLS is to purchase the smallest size and try it. That way you won't have a lot of wasted stuff, and boy have I wasted a lot of stuff! Good Luck!
   — Robin L.

June 5, 2003
I havent tried the Tropicana, but I have tried the Minute Maid low acid pulp free. I was able to tolerate it without any problems. Good Luck to you!
   — Kris T.

June 5, 2003
I lived off of the stuff early post op.(diluted of course) I could not drink regular oj pre-op because of the heartburn.Guess what now I can. Since our new tummy does not produce acid...NO MORE HEARTBURN. Just be sure to get NO PULP. By the way also try Fruit 2 O. No calories, carbonation or sugar.
   — hooterzgirl75

June 6, 2003
Yes, and I can't drink it. I have, however, found a great OJ that my stomach can handle... and it is fantastic! It is R.W. Knudsen Family's Simply Nutritious Morning Blend. It has six fruit juices combined, and is easy on the tummy. I can't drink more than 1/4 cup at a time, though... natural sugars make me dump. Be cautious with any juices... you can dump and not throw up... I get real shakey and weak when I get too much sugar. I didn't realize I was dumping for about six months! I thought I could drink that cup of juice and be fine... imagine how much more weight I could have lost... Regardless, RW Knudsen juices are great! They can be found at Krogers and most grocery stores! Look in the fridge sections where natural foods are kept... some keep this juice with the other carton juices... Good Luck!
   — Sharon M. B.

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