21 days Post-Op & Plateau for almost 2 weeks! Help!!!!
Hi everyone, I'm hoping that some of you will be able to help me with my situation. I am 21 days Post-Op from having Lap RNY distal. The first 10 days I managed to lose 18 lbs however for the last 10 days now I haven't lost anything. I've increased my food intake so that I'm consuming about 800-1000 cal. a day and I consume at least 60 grams of protein a day as well. I've also increased my physical activity (walking). I did take my measurements and I'm down 23 inches but I'd like to kick start my metabolism and see these pounds come off. I started out at 360 lbs. & I now weigh 342 lbs. Needless to say I have a loooong way to go. I need to hear from you guys for suggestions like what you did to get the weight moving when you plateaued, or better yet how many calories, fat & protein grams I should be consuming at this stage. Is a plateau this early normal?I've decided that if my weight doesn't move by next week (Dr.'s appmnt) I'm going to go see a Nutritionist. I just really feel discouraged and disappointed right now and would really like to hear from you experts ;) — Navella C. (posted on June 3, 2003)
June 3, 2003
My nutritionalist says to stay at 400 calories a day with 60 grams of
protein. Perhaps you should consult someone about how many calories a day
you should have.
— Stacey F.
June 3, 2003
A plateau at that point is typical for many people no matter what they do.
It's part of the body's adjustment to the surgery and the huge loss from
the first ten days. I don't think there's anything to
"kick-start" here at just three weeks out, and personally, I
think 1000 calories is a heckuva lot to be consuming (how?) at that stage,
too.<P>The big issue here is scale-watching. Get off the scale.
That's the problem. Also, it looks like you're thinking of employing
tactics that are better suited for people five or six months out (or more)
whose weight loss is slowing a bit. That's not your situation.<P>I'd
take deep breath, let yourself heal up, keep up the exercise (great!), make
sure your water is getting in (which is usually a big problem at that
stage), and just ... stay off that scale. For weeks, if you have to. Good
— Suzy C.
June 3, 2003
Are you SURE you're taking in that much? I am at almost 5 months and
barely take in 800 calories a day. Other than that, a plateau at your
stage is normal. In fact, when I was at your stage I did a search in the
library on plateaus and most posts that came up were from people at 3-4
— susanje
June 3, 2003
Thanks for your responses guys. I've been tracking what I've been eating
for the past 3 days and I've been eating a lot of mayo, peanut butter &
cheese & full fat dairy hence the high calorie intake thinking I could
get my body out of "starvation mode" if that is the problem.
Definately won't do that anymore. Thanks again.
— Navella C.
June 3, 2003
I just wanted to add that I agree completely with Suzy C.
— [Deactivated Member]
July 21, 2003
Hi there, I just wanted to say that I went to see my nutritionist today and
she told me the reason I was not losing faster was because my body was in
starvation mode. I was only consuming about 350 calories a day and she
said it needed to be at least 800-1000. I know every nutritionist is
different but I wanted to post this because it may be the same reason I
have been losing so slowly.
— Cassandra Blake
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