Anyone know how I can erase myself from the site.
Just wondering how I can erase myself from the site. I have two names on here and want to get rid of one I never use. One is from a couple of years ago and one is a more current one. Any ideas? — lindadougherty (posted on May 30, 2003)
May 29, 2003
Hi Linda, I also had to delete one of my profiles and it was easy. After
registering onto the site with the profile that you want to erase, click on
the "profile" link at the top of the page. You will have to sign
in here with your password. Then it will take you to the page that shows
the little "scale-man" (not sure who that is lol). Scroll down
through all of those different links and you will see the one labled
"Generao Info". Click on the link and it will take you to a page
where you can do updates. There is a section printed in red
lettering...right in the middle...where you can erease. Hope this helps. :
— Ms C.
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