Be many of you lost weight with little or no excercise?

I know how important it is to excercise....and I DO....but I was wondering...if anyone was successful with little or no excercise?    — Darlene B. (posted on May 23, 2003)

May 23, 2003
I too didnt excercise much, although I wish I did, even though I lost the weight, I still should have excercised. I may have had a better out come with the excess skin on my legs and arms. my excuse is pure lazyness! I highly recommend excercising and am still trying to convince myself to do so......
   — Deanna Wise

May 23, 2003
Darlene, the first 6 months I didn't exercise too much. I have quite a few illnesses I'm dealing with, so its hard to get motivated. The past 6 months I exercise atleast 3 times a week. I got to my goal and am still losing. I don't know that I could've gotten to goal had I not exercised though. And for the most part, yes you can lose most or all of your weight w/o exercise. But will you keep it off? Doubt it- most won't and don't. That's why its so important for us in the end. Goodluck to you :-)
   — Lezlie Y.

May 23, 2003
Me. Pretty close to no exercise. None, on purpose for sure. Busy with home, yard, hobbies then, though. My bones & muscles would be happier today if I worked out a bit. I have on/off over the years & always feel better. Then something interrupts. But exercise had nothign whatsoever to do with my wt loss. I did it all nutritionally.
   — vitalady

May 23, 2003
I have been so completely whiped out since wls (24.5 months ago) that the only month I exercised was month four. I lost 160 of the 190 pounds I had wanted to lose. I had hoped to do alot of walking which I enjoy but just existing was exercise enough. I "think" you may be hoping you don't have to exercise, but that is'nt good. Why go through wls if we don't want to do our bodies right and exercise and eat right?
   — Danmark

May 23, 2003
In the beginning (first few months)I was a walker, but then it got too cold and I started hibernating. In the spring I always get excited about getting out there and doing a little activity (gardening, biking, etc) but nothing consistent. I have 2 kids that I homeschool and a husband who is gone all the time with the Navy (currently in Iraq, STILL:(. There is just no time, nor energy left over. I made it to goal within a year (norm BMI, weight and body fat %), but have still lost a few more pounds since then. I am thrilled to be normal. It obviously can be done, it all boils down to input vs. output. Us non-exercisers just have to eat less than if we were exercising. Our bodies do not require as much caloric intake to keep the machine working. I still want to have an exercise routine, there are huge health benefits to doing so, but right now it just isn't happening.
   — Cheri M.

May 23, 2003
I am still the lazy one! I do exercise more now, but up until my 5-6th month....ya right lol. I did try, but having the surgery did'nt make me want to or like it. I am doing it faithfully now b/c I am just about to goal and im trying to tone up and firm up this saggy skin, now I wish I would have done it then like I am doing now, then maybe I would'nt have to work so hard,good thing I like it now and have the energy:o). Good luck to you!
   — Sandy M.

May 24, 2003
I have severe arthritis in my knees and have a difficult time exercising. My surgeon wanted me to do water aerobics but I couldn't find a class that was available when I wasn't at work that I could afford. So for months I did almost no exercise at all - I had surgery November 29, 2001 and in October of 2002 I started walking on my breaks at work and at lunch. I kept that up til the winter weather got bad and then I had surgery for hernia repair and tummy tuck in February. My point is that I have exercised very little and have lost 181 pounds. I wish I could have done more - maybe my body wouldn't look so bad and maybe I could have lost more. I am still about 30 pounds heavier than I would like to be, even though I have reached and surpassed my surgeon's goal. And I will assure you it's a lot better than weighing 346 pounds. Sometime in the next two years I will have both my knees replaced and will eventually get to be more active.
   — Patty_Butler

May 24, 2003
I don't believe it would be difficult at all to lose weight without exercising with WLS. My incentive (and the fact that I love working out) is skin tone and I didn't want to look like someone who lost 100 pounds.
   — Mary H.

May 24, 2003
Ms. Lazy-bones here. I have always hated "exercising". Even as a kid, I would rather sit and read than go outside and play. While I was highly motivated pre-surgery and immediately afterwards, my surgeon insisted on NO exercising for 6 weeks - not even walking. By then, I was back in my routine of being a single Mom to 2 teenagers and working full time, and easily found excuses to not exercise. My intentions were good...I even joined a gym. I went TWICE in one year. I lost 100 pounds in a year - and that is with an enlarged stoma. I still need to lose another 20-30 pounds, and I know it's not going to come off without exercising. I'm waiting for insurance approval for a TT, and vowed I would start exercising to take off those last few pounds before the surgery. That was 2 months ago, and I still haven't done squat. Can you lose weight without exercising? Yes...but for optimum loss and better health, you really should exercise.
   — Cyndie K.

May 24, 2003
No exercise, not once. Read my profile for the extremely rapid weight loss results. I have no excuse for not exercising, I just flat out don't. Shelley
   — Shelley.

May 24, 2003
I wish that I had exercised, but I didn't. See my profile for slow and steady weight loss. -125 lbs. in 15 months now and at goal. (But I DO have lots of loose skin.)
   — Kathy J.

May 25, 2003
I have only done a small amount of exercise. Walking on & off during the past 6-months. I am down 96 pounds. I think I feel better when I get out and walk, but time does not always permit.
   — Nan G.

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