I am pre-op and having sore legs--need feedback!

Has anyone had this problem? I am pre-op, having surgery in August. Lately when I get home from work my feet are swollen and my heels hurt, and my legs from the knee down hurt -- the skin is tight and the "insides" of my legs are achy. I am on my feet part of the day, but not all day. Has anyone else had this problem? With the fear of blood clots I am feeling a bit paranoid, just wondered if I was alone. I have a feeling it's just because my weight is finally starting to take it's toll on my body, but wanted to hear from others that may have a similar problem. Thank you!    — beeda (posted on May 21, 2003)

May 21, 2003
Sounds like you might be retaining fluid. the heel pain unless you know you have plantar fascitius (sp) or heel spurs is probably caused by your weight. I got to where i could hardley walk right before surgery and it has greatly improved since i am losing weight. Good luck.
   — Delores S.

May 21, 2003
At 3 weeks post op I began having leg pain that felt like a severe charlie horse. I called my doctor and they had me come straight in for a sonogram and sure enough I had a blood clot in my upper thigh and spent 4 days in the hospital. I would describe my pain the same as you did yours. Please get this checked before it could become serious.
   — Tammara D.

May 21, 2003
Just in case it is a blood clot, see your doc. DO NOT DELAY. My Mom got a blood clot from riding a train cross country. It went to her lungs and it could have killed her. She now has to be on oxygen full time and there are many other problems because of this. It really sucks for a non smoker to have a lung disease (Pulmonary Hypertenstion) just because of a blood clot. There is no way any of us can tell you if you do or don't have a clot. SEE YOUR DOC! Just be safe and do it. :)
   — Danmark

May 21, 2003
That reminds me of some of the problems I had before my WLS. It was retention of water and tends to focus itself in the legs. My legs would get so full that the skin was tight and painfull. Try pressing your finger into the skin on your legs. If it leaves behind a dent in your's water retention. Unfortunately, I don't think I can offer a solution for you. The Dr. gave me some pills...a diuretic (don't know the spelling). Sometimes those helped. My guess, is that the long term solution is to lose weight and this will clear up (it did for me). Also exercise will help. I know the catch-22 that you are maybe your WLS is well timed. I don't know if water retention will lead to a higher risk of blood clots. Might want to consult a Dr. about that.
   — Scott L.

May 21, 2003
Some extra support knee highs may help keep the swelling down while you're on your feet. They not only keep compression on your legs but they help with the blood circulation. Most drug stores sell them. Also keep you legs elevated whenever you can and maybe sleep with a pillow under them. My mom is a nurse and the same thing happens to her after working her shift.
   — Sarahlicious

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