Can anyone tell me why the pre-op diet differs so much from person to person?

I'm reading many different things on people's posts here. I'm reading some that say that they can eat a normal diet up until the day before the surgery, and then I'm reading that others are told to be on a liquid diet for up to 2 weeks before the surgery. I myself cannot fathom being on a liquid diet PRE-OP with a "normal" sized stomach. I know myself, have done liquid diets before, and feel weak. I know that for the first couple of weeks after the surgery, you're on liquids, but you feel full consuming the liquids. I understand that a surgeon would want someone's digestive system to be clear before this type of surgery, but 2 weeks????    — sunneegirl (posted on May 21, 2003)

May 21, 2003
It all depends on your surgeon and what he/she requires. My surgeon did not do those things so I ate normally before surgery (of course for some reason I did not eat dinner the night before surgery--I don't recommend that). Ask your surgeon what type of diet he/she requires before surgery.
   — Melanie S.

May 21, 2003
I had to be on full liquids for the last 2 days before surgery, but to be honest I was not very faithful to that. The magnesium nitrate that I had to drink the night before surgery took care of anything that was left in my system. So good luck!!!
   — DENISE E.

May 21, 2003
Not only are the pre-op diets widely varied but the post-op diets are also. This is because we all have different surgeons and they are all at different levels of understanding. I was never on liquids post-op. Go figure. Just do what your doc says and you will be alright regardless of what everyone else does.
   — Delores S.

May 21, 2003
Paula: I was wondering the same thing. I have been approved for Lap RNY and received a letter from my surgeon's office that said not to eat or drink anything after midnight the night before surgery. Boy was I relieved! I too had read of people being on a liquid diet 2 weeks prior to surgery, and was a little (ok, a lot) worried about that. My blood sugar tends to bottom out when I try liquid diets, so I was concerned. I agree with the other posters...It varies from surgeon to surgeon, and I wonder if it makes a difference what type of surgery you're having??? I can't remember who said it, but she's right about the magnesium citrate cleaning out anything that may be in there!! Good Luck and God Bless. Moiasa
   — Moysa B.

May 21, 2003
I was required to be on Optifast (liquid) for 6 weeks prior -- the surgeon wnated us to lose weight before surgery so we'd heal better, plus to get used to what our diet would be like immediately post-op.
   — [Deactivated Member]

May 21, 2003
First, EVERY sugeon is different in both pre-op and post-op care. And some surgeons require that their patients try to lose some weight before surgery. I know mine does if you are over a certain size. I didn't have to because we were in a time crunch because of insurance difficulties. I was on a regular diet til the day before my surgery. Then it was clear liquids and nothing after midnight. And I did great. I started out at 346 pounds, so I was no lightweight.
   — Patty_Butler

May 22, 2003
Some are told to diet and lose before surgery to shrink the liver. (Our livers are usually pretty extended.) I believe this is especially true if you are having laparoscopic RNY. As far as post op eats...well, there sure is a wide range of philosphies there. Know this, if you eat the wrong thing you WILL know it! ;)
   — Ginger M.

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