Itch, nausea, and more from prednisone. Help please?!

I contracted poison ivy either through the air or from our dog's fur. Rash spread so quickly and to my scar (open rny) that I called my PCP for help. He prescribed a tablet form of prednisone (sp) to be taken at high dosages, then cutting it back. To sum it up, nausea and severe vomiting (sorry) with a terrible tummy pain has plagued me all day today. I took them according to directions with food, but no relief. The pharmacist referred me to my pcp who is out until Thursday. Now, my pcp's partner says to stop immediately. I leave on a field trip tomorrow at 4:30 a.m. Help. Suggestions on dealing with 1) the nausea and vomiting (the anti-nausea meds haven't helped at all) and 2) the itchy rash (topical ointments haven't helped either). Thanks to all!    — Mary Ann B. (posted on May 20, 2003)

May 20, 2003
I am not sure what you can take for the nausea but you might ask if you can take benadryl for the itch. make sure you ask first I am still preop and dont know for sure what you can and cant take but the benadryl always works for me. hope that helps a little good luck. jeannie
   — harleigh2002

May 20, 2003
MaryAnne: I've taken prednisone regularly becaus eof asthma symptoms for years. Generally it is supposed to be taken with food, and well, we all know that after WLS anything taken with food is kind of an extreme thought. Did you try something like Benadryl? That should help the itching. And it's not a steroid like Prednisone. Good luck. Sandi
   — Sandi R.

May 20, 2003
Hydrocortisone creams or sprays reduce the inflammation, swelling, and itching of poison ivy rashes. They should be used four times a day for best effect. Lotions containing calamine, zinc acetate, and alcohol dry the blistered rash quickly and can speed healing.
   — [Deactivated Member]

May 20, 2003
Ask your doctor for some Aterax,,,I used them for my hives and it really works for hours,,,one little 10mg. pill,,does it all,,,hope you feel better soon,,,
   — Elizabeth A.

May 21, 2003
1) nausea and vomiting - may just have to work itself out as the drug gets out of your system 2) itching - you could try Benedryl spray. Oral form of Benedryl might help, but it makes me very sleepy. Good luck!
   — koogy

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