What is Cushing Sydrome? I have to go for testing and I have no clue.

   — TIFFANY B. (posted on May 16, 2003)

May 16, 2003
Hi Tiffany, I'm going to sound critical hear but I don't mean for it to be that way. My question to you is What did your Dr. tell you and why didn't you ask him? You need to ask him/her what they are testing for and what is leading them to think you need to be tested for this.You need to be proactive in your health. I was tested for Cushing because of the buffalo hump on the back of my neck. This can be one of many symptoms. It's a hormonal disorder usually related to prolonged exposure of high levels of hormone cortison. It's rare and usually affects adults ages 20-50. Sometimes people develop it who have been on predinisone for asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus or other inflamatory diseases. What I have stated is not the end all or be all and I'm not a Dr. These are not the only symptoms or reactions so don't feel relieved if you don't see yourself here! My advice to you is CALL YOUR DR NOW and find out why they are testing you and what makes them suspect. You may not have Cushing and the Dr. may be just ruling it out but it's up to you to find out why! Best wishes
   — Linda M.

May 16, 2003
I really don't know how to answer your question without looking in my Taber's Medical Dictionary. This is according to my medical dictionary: Cushing's disease: Cushing's syndrom in which the hypersecretion of glucocorticoids is secondary to hypersecretion of adrenocorticotrophic hormone from the pituitary. Cushing's syndrome: A syndrome resulting from hypersection of the adrenal cortex in which there is excessive production of glucocorticoids. May be caused by a tumor of theadrenal gland or excess stimulation of that gland as a result of hyperfunction of the anterior pituitary. Prolonged administration of large doses of adnrenocotrical hormones will also cause this syndrome. Symptoms are protein loss, adiposity, fatigue and weakness, osteoporosis, anemorrhea, impotence, capillary fragility, edema, excess hair growth, diabetes mellitus, skin discoloratin and turgidity (Plethora) and purplish striae of skin. A lot of these are big words you may need the help of either a dictionary or you could ask you physician. I do hope this helps you in some way. Good luck to you on your journey! Daphine (open RNY 01/13/03, down 55 pounds, down from size 24 pants to size 16 and down from 24/3X top to XL).
   — Daphine C.

May 16, 2003
I guess I didn't put enough info in my question (hey I'm new at this). The doctor did say that I was having this test to rule out any problems. His assistant made all of my appointments and once and I was kind of overwhelmed with all of the specialist and wasn't sure what this specific test was for in plain english not doctor's terms. Thanks for your help

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