Why is this taking so long!!!!

Could anyone out there help me. First let me say I love this site I have been enjoying it for months. I didn't want to start posting until I had good results but I can't wait that long its taking forever. My doctor wanted all the pre-op testing done before he would see me so I have been doing that for the last 4 months I finially got everything done and I go into see him he is great but one problem I have not had an endoscopy he scheduled it for me. GUESS WHEN ?AUGUST 13th I thought I would get a surgery date today when I met him. I waited with such happiness for 4 months for this appointment and now this. I am so upset I feel like giving up. Then he told me after he has the endoscopy results he could submit for approval and that can take up to 3 months for approval then depending where they are on there scheduling he will schedule my surgery right now they are scheduling for September imagine in August when they will be scheduling for. Can someone offer me some advice I can't wait that long I am so upset. I hate to complain but I was so excited, this is a huge let down. Anyway on a happier note God Bless you all your stories have kept me going. I will start my page to so I can hopefully help others like you have helped me.    — kumuat (posted on May 15, 2003)

May 15, 2003
Starr -- It all depends on your health insurance and physician's requirements. Some people get approved really quick and others have to provide extensive information and write appeals. I had to go through almost a year of classes and tests. But the important thing is to keep positive and keep pressing forward. You didn't mention what insurance company you are with, but I'd suggest seeking others who have the same insurance and find out how they got approved. For every shut door, there's another one open. At least you have started your process and working on your web page is a good way to keep yourself occupied while you are waiting and learning. Good things come to those who wait (or make it happen)! Smile
   — Starrlina

May 15, 2003
Hi there:) I had called my surgeon's office the first week in April 03, and the first available appt. was OCTOBER 8TH!! I accepted that appt. But in thinking about it afterwards, I realize all thats going to happen between now and then is I'm going to gain MORE WEIGHT and become MORE UNHEALTHY!! So I did my research, and found a new surgeon last week. Guess when my initial appt. is??? JUNE 5TH! this office from what I've heard, your surgery is 3-4 months from your initial consult. GOOD LUCK:)
   — kathy B.

May 15, 2003
Starr, Don't give up! This process does take a long time for almost everybody. Once you accept this it should help a little tiny bit. There are plently of things to do to prepare for surgery in the mean time. Start excersising now. Baby steps, walking or dancing, whatever you like. This will help with your health, and burn off some nervous energy, etc.. Maybe look into a therapist who specializes in eating disorders. Most of need to restucture our relationships with food. As it's been mentioned many times, this surgery is not the answer, it is a tool. A tool to be used wisely. This is a great step you are making, be proud of making the decsion you made to change your life! Best of luck to you...aims
   — chickiewickie

May 15, 2003
I can sympathise. I called in June I think to get my initial appt, and immagine my dismay when I found out it would be Dec 4th before I could get in! I wasn't a happy camper. On the plus side, I did get put on their wating list, and was able to go in november insted of december. If your not particulary attached to this doc, maybe you could reaserch and find one that has the same or better credientials that can get you in faster. Good luck and God bless. 3 weeks out, down 23#
   — mellyhudel

May 15, 2003
From the first Dr appt it took 15 months to get wls. Now 17 months latter I am at my goal!! I have lost 195 lbs and had PS. What a long trip. It is well worth the wait. Perservere it will be worth it. Good Lux
   — Robert L.

May 15, 2003
I've been trying to get WLS since Nov of 2002. Every time I see the surgeon I'm given another list of tests. It's getting old really fast. I said "I have occastional heartburn" now I've got to have a test about that. Its to the point now where I'm scared to answer the questions honestly because everytime I do, I end up wasting another 3 months on tests. But I try to remind myself that its better to over test then under test. Just in case. I most certainly don't want to die and although I feel my surgeon could avoid a handful of these tests, I know that it will be the best for me in the end. Its funny, but I hadn't even realized it has been almost 7 months since my first appointment and nearly 3 years since I began looking into this surgery. My hope is to have surgery in July. So far the only complication is finding a psychologist who takes my insurance. All I've got left is my eval, one silly test and then apply for insurance approval. Seems so easy, but lets face facts...Every appointment so far has been 2 months away from the appointment before it...which pushes me WAY past the July point. Don't loose hope. Whenever the excitement of doing this fades or I start to think that maybe I'm never going to have this, I look at before and after the posts of the post-ops who are living the life I want and I am encouraged to continue. I'M NOT GIVING UP!!!!!!! I don't care how long I'm on this ride!
   — Renee B.

May 15, 2003
I understand how you feel. I've been at this for a while now, too. My only suggestion would be to find out if you can get the endoscopy scheduled sooner with another doctor. I had that experience with my sleep testing. The first lab could not schedule me until June 11, so I called another sleep lab, got scheduled, and then they called me back that same day to say they had a cancellation for that night!! Of course, I took it. Also, because my surgeon and hospital are over an hour from my home, I had most of my pre-op testing done at my local hospital, including the endoscopy. All my results were faxed to my surgeon. The only test I had to travel for was the psych eval. I would try to schedule this test sooner with another doctor. Best wishes to you.
   — Carlita

May 16, 2003
Long? Patience, patience. I started researching this in July 2002, went to my surgeon's mandatory pre-consult seminar on Sept. 26, had to wait for a consult date until Feb. 11, had all my testing done by March 15, and am now waiting for my surgeon to begin operating a a hospital cover by my insurance company at the beginning of July, I expect that we will START the insurance process nexy week. I know we all want this surgery NOW, but it have chosen to look at all this waiting I have done as an opportunity to be SURE that this is the right choice, to complete my Dr. Supervised diet, to change my snacking habits, to get myself off of diet Coke and into a 96 oz of water per day habit, to begin attending support groups and network with other pre & post ops, to start going to the gym as I am able, to get as ready as possible for the BIG DAY. Be persistent towards your goal, but remember, sometimes the timeline we want isn't the timeline we really NEED. DON'T GIVE UP!!! Do something to help yourself stay busy while you wait. Sue
   — Sue C.

May 16, 2003
I started my journey to WLS in March of 2002, and finally had surgery the end of October 2002. Everything seems to take forever, and I felt like I was living just to get from one obstacle to the next. When the day for surgery finally arrived, it didn't even seem real! I kept waiting for a phone call saying it was being changed to a later date! You will get there, just hang in there - it will happen!
   — koogy

May 16, 2003
I think if we did a poll, we would find that on average this process takes about a year from first contact with your PCP. It seems like forever and believe me, I am as impatient as they get! Check with the folks doing your endoscopy and put yourself on a waiting list for cancellations HOWEVER only do this if you can pretty much pick up and go whenever they want you. I know it's hard, but try to be patient. I'm sure it will be worth every minute of your wait.
   — antiques55

May 16, 2003
My opinion is NOT a popular one but waiting a reasonable time is a good thing. It makes sure you really want surgery and the commitment necessary espically early on. I know how tough waiting is but if it only took a few months some would have surgery and regret it. Wantingf something so bad really helps in those early days...
   — bob-haller

May 16, 2003
You know, it's strange how when you're waiting anxiously for something so life altering as wls, that the time seems to drag on forever. By the time I have my surgery in August/03, it will be almost 3 years of waiting for me. Waiting for consults and tests is neverending. For every consult and every test, I had to travel a minimum of 4 hours each way, drive myself (on an empty stomach for the endoscopy) and I survived, barely. During all of this waiting, I have read numerous ossg sites and Q&A here at OH. Gathering all of this info into my head has been a way to prepare for this surgery. I have learned things that I would not have been able to learn if my waiting time was only a couple of months. I have met many wonderful ppl along the way who have been very supportive as we are all in the same boat here in Canada. VERY long waits that aren't about insurance. I have learned something about myself, that I have patience well beyond what I thought I had. When I look back now at how far I've come, it doesn't seem so bad. I still have a long way to go in my wls journey and I am looking forward to experiencing it one day at a time. God bless...
   — mary ann T.

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