What insurance will take a gastric bypass post-op?

I had RNY last December. I am graduating from college on May 24th. As of that date, my insurance company will no longer cover me (I was under my mother's insurance). I have been trying to find a new company, but ALL the companies I've talked to will not take anyone that has had the surgery. Am I destined to be without insurance forever now?? Did I screw myself over by having this surgery. I may have had diabetes or a heart attack down the line, but at least then I would have had insurance to cover the cost. Now I have nothing! Help!!!    — Toni C. (posted on May 15, 2003)

May 15, 2003
Dont worry YOU WILL HAVE insurance. First of all.. If you are on your mothers insurance; when you graduate you are eligable to get COBRA (your mothers insurance for 36 months) the only thing is COBRA is expenseive. If you are graduating, the chances are you are going to be getting a JOB> With jobs you get 'group insurance' it doesnt matter what your 'medical history' is you will get your insurance. If you get the new insurance before 60 days you will not in most states have pre existing.. the worst would be to have a pre x for a year (on the wl only) so you would still have insurance. So dont worry. You didnt screw yourself up on insurance. Private insruance might not be obtainable; but MOST people dont need/or get private insurance unless they are self employed.
   — star .

May 15, 2003
ORIGINAL POSTER ~ Thanks ladies:) I might have to go on COBRA for a while (at a whopping $405.91/month!!) until I find a job... which is my other issue... Anyone know of a company looking to hire a recently graduated biomedical engineer? LOL
   — Toni C.

May 15, 2003
Hey Toni, about the job...try GE. You live right there where their training center is. My husband is a biomedical engineer and works for GE. They have great insurance,they paid for my surgery. Good luck!
   — Patty.W

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