Your experiences with St John's Wort, OCD and Paxil post op?

I have ?'s about 3 things. I've read what's on file about these & now want to see if I might get more input with a new post. I seem to be increasing in obsessive-type thoughts and anxiety since my surgery (I am almost 4 mos post op). Did this happen to others after surgery? I am so moody and bitchy and have been having strange thoughts about imagining horrific scenarios (bodily injury to myself and others, terrible accidents). Has anyone tried St John's Wort post op? Did it upset your stomach? Did it help? Did you have any obsessive thoughts or anxiety? Those who took Paxil, did you have any gastric upset post op? (I did with Celexa. It made my pouch hurt really bad, that's why I am asking.) What about other side effects with Paxil? Did it help you?    — Lisa I. (posted on May 12, 2003)

May 12, 2003
Just from reading your post, the first thing that came to mind was maybe you aren't absorbing the same amount of paxil as you were before. Can you make an appt and get your dosage evaluated by your doctor? I was "Super Bitch" for a while, but seem to be leveling off. It's hormones, I suppose. :) Hang in there!
   — Diana L.

May 12, 2003
I have not yet had surgery but I am OCD also. I use to have movies of horrible accidents and terrible thoughts all the time, especially while I was driving or dreaming. I tried several anxiety medications over the years but I finally found a pyschiatrist that has helped me. I take a medication called Luvox and I no longer have these mini movies playing in my brain all the time. I was up to 80 mg of celexa with no help at all but a lot of side effects from it. You may want to speak to your doctor to try Luvox. My 14 year old daughter takes it now too and she is doing better also.
   — tntwildlife77

May 12, 2003
I think what you are experiencing is not uncommon. Without food to self medicate the OCD symptoms can definitely manifest in new fun ways. Oddly I had those visions of worst case scenarios all the time pre op and really just not so much post op. Almost makes me wonder if I had serious food sensitivities before that were worsening my condition. Anyhow, I did ask my nutritionist to do a little research on St. John's Wort and her conclusion was that while it can work it can be pretty irritating to the stomach and maybe not the best choice. I (with her help) have decided to use Kava and Valerian on an as needed basis instead of having to take the SJW on a daily basis. I would definitely ask your doctor about this stuff anyway but my surgeon was clueless about herbal anything! Good Luck!
   — Carol S.

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