Does anyone know of a good zinger to silence critics?

What do you say to rude comments about WLS from strangers, I mean people who you don't care about and have no interest in educating them about your problem? I was at a neighbor's get-together this weekend. I knew most of the people at this party, and many of them have been supportive of my decision to have WLS. One friend was telling a man in a positive manner that I was going to be having WLS. He was PLUMP gentleman, old enough to know better, and I'd never seen him before. He looked at me and said loudly "Well, I guess you're one of those wimps who's going to take the EASY way out!", in a very obnoxious manner that silenced the room. I just looked at him, rolled my eyes and replied "Well, obviously whatever you're doing isn't working." People started laughing and I walked away, pretending to be laughing too. But inside, I was (and still am) fuming. How do you stop a not-so-well meaning stranger? Thanks, Mea    — Mea A. (posted on May 12, 2003)

May 12, 2003
I thought you zinged him pretty good!
   — JoSyrNY

May 12, 2003
Mea, GOOD ONE!!! I think you handled it very well.
   — Debbie W.

May 12, 2003
I think you did just fine with your own little zinger. And the silence in the room called attention to the guy being a jackass. And I really don't think you should worry about what anyone else says, especially from someone you "don't care about and have no interest in educating them about your problem".
   — Jon S.

May 12, 2003
Mia, if it's your intention not to educate someone and to silince the obnoxious remarks then I think you handled it about as well as I would have. Obviously he doesn't care about his own health issues as much as you care about yours. Don't let it worry you or get you down. He will probably keep his mouth shut about it from now on.
   — Happy I.

May 12, 2003
I think that was a wonderful response. Now he looks like the idiot, because if there was another way out, he should have taken that road. Jealousy plays a big role in that people are afraid of something that they cannot follow through with. If it really was the "Easy way out", then why isn't the whole world having it done. There is a reason that WLS is not for everyone, it's not because it's too easy.
   — sheri H.

May 12, 2003
First of all, we all know that there is nothing easy about this. BUT, if people keep on insisting that it's the "easy way out", then I say go with that. Here's a good response in a sarcastic voice. . . "Yes, with the choice of doing something the easy way, or the more difficult, ineffective way, I chose the "easy" way. Call me an idiot!!" The way I see it, there are some people that you will never convince that it's not easy, so why try. Instead, make them realize how stupid their comment really is. I mean, honestly, why would someone want the easy way if there was one???
   — Kathy S.

May 12, 2003
I know where you are coming from, but I thought your response was pretty gutsy! My answer, "Well, if having major surgery to have my digestive system rearranged is what you consider "the easy way out", then I guess that's what I did."
   — koogy

May 12, 2003
Mea, I couldnt have said it better myself....I hope everyone USES YOUR zinger!!!!!! Way to go!!!!!! 2 or 3 yrs from now when your are healthy and beautiful and he is dealing with MORE weight (dont we add seem to keep adding pre-op no matter what we do), he'll get a look at you and know he was an ass (prob a jealous one at that). Easy way or saves lives!!! Maybe you'll get one of your wl surgeons business cards and keep with you in case you run into him again??
   — cherokey55

May 12, 2003
Mea- You're response was great! It worked since he was overweight. If you receive a similar 'taking the easy way out' response from a thin person, I would respond with, "Too bad there's no surgery to correct your rudeness" or something along those lines.
   — Yolanda J.

May 12, 2003
Thanks everyone for all your support. In reading all your answers, I think a good response to someone like him might be "If that's the easy way out, why have you chosen the hard way?". That really does point out the *jack@$$*, doesn't it! :o)
   — Mea A.

May 12, 2003
Hi Mea :). I just had to put my own two cents in here. I was in almost the exact same situation, but my "bad guy" was a jerk that I have to work with. He rubs many people the wrong way. Anyways, after he made his little comment about me taking the easy way out, should just exercise, eat less, blah blah blah, I asked him very politely, "Did your mother raise ALL of her children to be rude, ignorant jerks, or did she single you out?" He was silent. I heard laughter from behind cubicles. It was a moment to savor as he turned red and left the floor. GOOD LUCK HUN!
   — SuzAnne S.

May 13, 2003
Mia-You aced it! You turned it back on him and gave him something to think about.
   — Aynikaye

May 13, 2003
i'm so sorry to hear that someone so insensitive got you flustered... a long time ago, i heard a line on tv, and it's come in soooo handy a few times. it is: you know, if you had a tiny little basket under your chin, you'd make a great hot air baloon'... that usually shuts up the offender.good luck to you in your journey... :o)
   — Karen D.

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