Am I at risk for blood clots after surgery?

My surgery is in a week. All my preop tests have come back fine. However, I am having trouble with circulation in my legs. By the end of the day, my ankles are swollen to wider than my calves and they really hurt. I have a job that requires that I do a lot of sitting and I think this is the problem. If I sit on the couch at home with my feet up though, I have no problems (if only I could do that at work lol). I have mentioned this to my surgeon and my PCP and they don't seem to be worried, but I am really concerned about blood clots. Has anyone else had any similar problems?    — Jennifer H. (posted on May 9, 2003)

May 9, 2003
EVERYONE is at risk for blood clots after surgery. Are you more at risk? Not sure. Make sure you are up walking 5-8 times a day after surgery....More if you can manage. Make sure they use compression hose on you. If you are in the bed make sure the compression hose are on. I would again mention it to the surgeon.
   — Sharon H.

May 9, 2003
Another medicine that increases the risk for blood clots is birth control pills. My gyno advised me that when the time for my WLS surgery gets closer, I will have to stop taking them, as I need them for menstral irregularities. Best of luck with your surgery:o)
   — Mea A.

May 9, 2003
Being morbidly obese puts you at risk for blood clots. That risk does not go away until you are out of the MO category. That fact made me sure that having surgery was the best thing for me to do. As far as your swelling goes, I used to get that pre op too and now I realize that when my body was trying to maintain circulation in a 277 pound body it is just more than my body could do in an effective manner. That does not happen to me any more either. Good Luck and remember to walk often after surgery!
   — Carol S.

May 9, 2003
I know all Doctors require different things But, My Doctor requires anyone over 350 pounds to get a green field filter. Maybe you should ask if there is a possibility of you getting one just to ease your mind.
   — gunter73

May 9, 2003
I just answered that question a couple questions after you- please see my answer and even my profile.
   — Sally P.

May 10, 2003
It is not accurate to say, "That risk does not go away until you are out of the MO category" The risk of developing blood clots is there regardless of your BMI. A women in our support group who was well into the normal category developed deep vein thrombosis and had a pulmonary embolis after plastic surgery. I also developed a superficial blood clot after plastic surgery. I had no problem after WLS and my BMI was 56. Some surgeons administer blood thinners prior to WLS to help with the risk. Mine did. When you get home try to walk around as often as possible and you should be fine.
   — Pamela B.

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