What is the percentage of people who get staple revisions?

I had my WLS 18 months ago and have done great! However, I am eating more than I think I should. My volumes and old behaviors are getting out of hand. When I eat my abdomen sometimes gets really distended but no pain. Is staple revision common? Can it occur at any time or the longer you go the less likely it will happen? I heard this is a very risky surgery, more so than the open RNY due to the internal scar adhesions. I have a terrible fear this could have happen. Does anyone have information about this? Thanks, Donna    — Donna B. (posted on May 1, 2003)

May 2, 2003
I don't know about staple revision, but have you considered going to Overeaters Annonymous to find out why your eating and old behaviors are getting out of hand and maybe help you deal with these issues? I feel for you - REALLY I do and it's a BIG fear of mine...but I would think that non-operative should be your first option. Good luck with whatever you do!
   — [Deactivated Member]

May 19, 2003
I have an SLD. I developed a fever of 102 10 days post-op and my surgeon was very remiss and got lucky b/c I could have died from septic shock! My new surgeon suspects that I developed an abcess (infection) and this is why I got a fever. Instead of the infection blowing into the peritoneum, it took the path of least resistance and blew into the stomach. I did not know this until 3 months post-op. Surgery was 4/3/02. In July 02 I was diagnosed with SLD. I was advised to wait for a Revision to give my body time to heal. Since January of 02 I had GAINED 16 lbs. and I am very depressed. I have an appt on June 26 to discuss my revsion and I am very scared of complications b/c I was told that a Revision is 3x's more dangerous than a virgin RNY.
   — Elaine S.

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