I think I'm obsessed with this surgery...

Hi everyone. I'm going to post this and hope that I'm not alone in this, but since I made THE decision to have this surgery, I have become totally obsessed with it. I think about it, read about it, and talk about it constantly. I really think that the people around me are beginning to wonder if I haven't finally gone over the edge. LOL My surgery, Lap RNY, is scheduled for June 2 (about 5 weeks away) and I'm telling you, I feel like I live on the internet researching this thing. The deal is -- I've been researching it for a YEAR! I would have thought that all of my questions had been answered and that I knew what I need to know by now, but every day, I find out something else that's interesting. Is this normal or have I finally lost it?    — Cheryl M. (posted on April 24, 2003)

April 24, 2003
If you've lost it, Cheryl, you're not alone! I JUST got a call from my surgeon saying it would most likely be the first week of June (in military hospitals nothing's set in stone as far as scheduling). I'm gonna drive everyone nuts before then! Good luck and good journey! :-)
   — Leslie R.

April 24, 2003
Phew!!! How glad I am too hear Im really not going crazy either!! I just switched Drs so my surgery will probably be the first or second week of Dr...more test :( !! Thanks for posting that! Darlene H.
   — Darlene H.

April 24, 2003
I, too, am totally obsessed. I read the message boards 4+ times a day, always disappointed when I run out of things to read. I review the q&a sections and even reread the library stuff. I even do this when at work, though we're not too busy, so that's OK, still... One of my friends has decided to not talk to me as much because I keep bringing everything around to the surgery. The thing is, I see the surgery as my one and only chance to live a REAL life and, as such, takes every spare ounce of my attention. This is my future, my life, not a change in the weather we're talking about here. Of course, I may feel differently by the time my surgery date approaches, but these feelings and thoughts are still too new for me to relax about them, yet. (surgery: open rny on 7/25/03)
   — deanaferrari

April 24, 2003
I could have written your e-mail. I am also obsessed with the surgery and I am having my surgery June 2 too!. I also have been researching for a year and I drive everyone crazy with the things I find. No matter what I know, someone always comes up with new ideas or facts. I go to 2 support groups also-probably the only times I am away from my computer.
   — Karen G.

April 24, 2003
As Karen said, I TOO could have written your e-mail. I researched for about a year before deciding. You know, it's OK to be obsessed. That's how I learned everything...that's how I learned what to do, what not to do, and how I met and talked with so many people who've done it, known someone who'd done it, or had heard about it. Be OBSESSED! It's really OK! I find now that since I had my surgery 2 weeks ago, the obsession to read and learn everything has died down a little. I still log in here everyday, update my profile, read the Q&A section (in the hopes that I can help ease someone's mind or contribute something of value), look at name it. By the way, I may hold the record of seeing EVERY single before & after photo on this website (probably more than once!). You will do all will. Keep the fait, keep getting educated and talk to anyone who will listen :) ***Amy LAP RNY 04-09-03
   — Amy A.

April 24, 2003
Hi there! NO, you are not alone!!!! I posted just about the same question a week or so ago!!! My surgery isn't until August, and I feel obsessed by it! I too can't get off this website! I read about it, think about it, dream about it, and talk about it all the time! I try not to talk about it too much because I don't want my husband or coworkers to get sick of me talking about it, so I just talk to my AMOS friends! I was having a horrible time concentrating at work and getting my work done. Luckily in the past few days it has gotten a little better. Email any of us if you need to talk and kill some time! Also, click on the "Library" and enter the keyword "consumed" and read the question I posted titled "is anyone else consumed by their pending surgery" -- you will see that you are definitely not alone!
   — beeda

April 24, 2003
You definitely not alone! I was just telling my friend that I am obsessed with this surgery & web site! I didn't realize it until my husband pointed it out a couple of weeks ago. It still hasn't slowed me down though! My surgery isn't until July 15 & it seems like forever away!!
   — Kathy K.

April 24, 2003
Add me to the list of obsessed folks! Although I haven't been researching it for a year (yet), I always have one or another WLS website sitting open on my computer at work. I check the message board here and on several Yahoo groups many times throughout the day. I print things off and then run into the ladies' restroom so I can read them in peace (shhhhhh). I have even begun compiling a binder with copies of all my resource materials and medical information. I haven't gotten to the point of talking about it with everyone yet. I've only shared my decision with a few people, especially since I don't have a surgery date yet and have a long way to go until I get one.
   — antiques55

April 24, 2003
Hi, No you are not obbessed because if you were then would be too. i just had my surgery Jan 27th. this year and I had been researching about having the surgery for about a year too before I decided to go ahead with it. And, I still ask questions about post-op andgo to different websites to find out other peoples stories, plus I attend support group meetings every month. So, you are not alone and congratulations on your upcoming surgery date, let us know how you do.
   — Melodee S.

April 24, 2003
Post-op here with complete understanding. My focus on this surgery was so great that it affected my focus and concentration at work, which was duly noted on my yearly evaluation when I returned to work 3-1/2 weeks post-op (didn't bother me because it just stated the facts, mam!). Anyway, now post-op, I'm still lurking on the board, but definitley more focused on my job and what I'm being paid to do. Before surgery, I was so physically miserable that my only salvation and sense of hope came from keeping my focus on this surgery. And eventually, this too shall pass. I wish you all the best on your upcoming surgery. Many blessings, Robin
   — rebalspirit

April 24, 2003
I'm almost 13 months post-op and still come to this site daily to read Q & A's. Even after surgery I was obsessed with wls until I reached goal! I was constantly thinking about how long it would take to lose xx more pounds, what I was feeding myself, would I fail??? The obsession doesn't just stop at surgery! :)
   — Karla K.

April 24, 2003
Okay, so you are obsessed with read about it, you think about even fantasize what you will look like on your trip down the scale. Guess what? YOU ARE NORMAL!!! Congratulations!!! This is a life changing thing...and doesn't everyone obsess over these types of's perfectly normal. Have a Sparkling Journey!! ~CAE~
   — Mustang

April 24, 2003
I was also obsessed with this surgery. I fought my insurance company for 18 months, and by the time I finally got approval I thought I was going to die from anticipation. I would scour the boards every day. In fact, I let my work slide a time or two because of it. I especially liked this website. There is just something about connecting with people who have been there. My husband supported my efforts 100%, but he can't possibly understand all of the effort I have put into this and how important this is to me. When I was very early pre-op I was on here all the time too. I wanted to know that everything I was feeling was normal. I wanted answers to my questions, and I didn't want to wait for the doctor's office to call me back! In the months since my surgery I do find that I come here a little less often. I still visit this site every day, just not all day every day. LOL
   — Jenny S.

April 24, 2003
I must be obsessed too. My surgery is on May 16 and I do the same thing as you---I search the net for anything about WLS. You are normal. We will be better people after our surgery. Good luck!
   — Gene F.

April 24, 2003
I too was obsessed with the surgery. I fought for over 2 years to get it and the whole time I was researching this surgery. I slept, drank, and ate this surgery. Then after I had it I was a walking encyclopedia, and I wanted to find a way to use all this knowledge. My surgeon had the answer, I lead a support group for WLS patients and preops. I never thought that I was one to go for the group thing but I soon found out that it is very comforting to discuss what is happening to yourself with others like you. You might look into doing this or helping out with the already established group. You won't regret it.
   — dkinson

April 24, 2003
I have been doing this too. I have thought about why after 7 years of debating and researching, now that I have made THE decision I also seem to be taken over by the wls aliens. :) The only reason I can think of for my obsession is because for most of my life my weight has controlled everything, now I am in control of this and it is a powerful feeling.
   — Nancy S.

April 24, 2003
I have to agree with you all. I'm almost 3-weeks post op and still in recovery, so I'm not back at work yet. I have alot of time on my hands. :) Can't do a whole lot. Therefore, I'm obsessing on certain things. Also...not only have I quit "eating" so to say, but I quit smoking as well. So I'm kind of having a hard time with everything. Obsessing on certain things, uneasy all the time and a little depressed. UUGH. :)
   — Kim L.

April 24, 2003
I am the same way and I have not even gone in for a consult with a surgeon yet...God is truly teaching me to be patient. The phrase, "patience is a virtue," has a whole different meaning to me now. So I will continue to educate myself until I have surgery. Good Luck and keep us posted on your progess.
   — Shayla527

April 24, 2003
Cheryl~ Hi! I think you are in the majority ;)
   — jennifer A.

April 24, 2003
Let's not call ourselves obsessed. Let us call ourselves "well informed". I am on here constantly as my surgery is exactly 3 weeks from today. YIKES!! I want to be more informed about everything about the surgery and what people have to say. Yes, I would call myself "well informed"!!!!!
   — Mimi S.

April 24, 2003
A year ago, I could have written the same question...I was on here ALL the time, nervous/excited about my upcoming WLS. However, one year post op, I am hard pressed to check it out - too busy living life as a relatively normal weight person, yee haw! I am sure you will experience the same. Blessings to you, wherever you are on your journey....
   — rebeccamayhew

April 24, 2003
"Obsessed?"<P> You say that like it's a *bad* thing (VBG).<P> I've been reading up on it on the 'net for about year now too, and I'm 11 month post-op and at goal. *Still* obsessively reading about it. It's fun to see people succeeding after years of struggle and disappointment fighting obesity. Plus, I think it helps me focus on all the changes I need to make to try to be and stay successful with the surgery. And some stuff I read just doesn't sink in until I'm at the stage where it's relevant, either. ;~P
   — Suzy C.

April 24, 2003
I too was obsessed with my surgery. It took me about a year also to be get to a surgery date. I was on the internet right up until the night I went to the hospital. It really paid off for me though. I was really informed and I did everything you were suppose to do before surgery. Like the caffine, the carbs, drinking the water, etc. My surgery was totally uneventful and my doctor told me I was his superstart. My liver had shrunk like it should and I had lost weight and I was in surgery a little less than an hour. I have very little pain, nothing unbearable and minimal soreness. I have not thrown up or had any problem. Can tolerate the liquids just fine. So see the obsession can be a good thing. My kids tease me all the time about it but they too saw how it paid off with my surgery. They are really proud of me. They have been so supportive along with my husband. I have been very lucky and I give all the glory to God.
   — D. Bell

April 25, 2003
Cheryl.....It sounds like you are talking about me. I had my first consult in Feb.2002. I thought I knew it all!!! I was ready to have surgery. I ended up having to put it off for a year. And I am so glad I did. I now realize I did not know anything about post-op life. All I knew about was the surgery itself. Back in Jan. 2003 I found this website. And I am so glad I did. I am now obsessed with what I am learning about post-op life. I go to the Q&A section 3 or more times a day. I look to see what questions people have asked. If it is something I can answer, I do. If it is a question I think will come in handy post-op, I copy and paste it so I will have it to look back on. I do not think we could ever be to infomed about the surgery, pre-op, or post-op. I think it is people like us who really succeed. My doctor told me yesterday that she has had a few people in the last year who have went in there, had the surgery, and not changed a single thing in their lives. She says 12 months post-op they have only lost 30 lbs. And they do not understand why. So she stressed to me how important it is to know how your life has to change when you have the surgery. She told me she is very happy with all I have learned in the last year. And she is really excited for me to have the surgery so she can watch me change my life. I am happy that I am obsessed with this surgery!!!! :P
   — Maria S

April 25, 2003
Why wouldn't you be? It's one of the most important decisions in your life - and also one of the best! Good luck and best wishes!
   — jengrz

October 19, 2003
I was beginning to worry about myself, so I searched for "obsession" in the library LOL. My 'stuff' is just being sent to the insurance company, and I can't stand the wait! I am afraid that I will go completely insane if I am refused for whatever reason. I have finally decided that this is what I need to do to conquer my lifelong problem with obesity, and I feel like this is my last hope. I am SO, SO glad that this site is here to help us. I can't imagine going through this alone.
   — anapple4theteacher

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