Has anyone suffered from back pain that felt like Sciatica

I had the problem with my legs at the beginning right after the surgery but now I'm three mnths out no longer have the pain in my legs . Now I have it in my back . Is anyone else going through this or has gone through this ?? Please let me know    — Luis (BUCKY) C. (posted on April 21, 2003)

April 21, 2003
I am three years out as of the 27th of this month. I have had back pain all along. The pain is right below my back bra strap. I have had a mri and nothing shows up. I now have to take an antiflamitory, pain meds and wear a tens unit while at work.
   — melissa B.

April 21, 2003
Hi Luis, Speaking from my experience- but I haven't had WLS yet. I began to have back pain that also went into my leg. It was excrutiating pain. The numbness was not going away after the pain meds were done. I had an MRI and it showed a herniated disk and pinched nerves. After the surgery, my doctor said I had 2 herniated disks(one was calcified) and many pinched nerves. Please have an MRI, your back is nothing to mess with and it can have major effects on your walking as well.
   — Mimi S.

April 22, 2003
I have a lot of back and leg pain. My chiro says it's from my hanging stomach which pulls heavily on my lower back and also I walk funny (he watched me traipse up and down the hallway) now. Not noticable to most but my balance is slightly off because of the rapid weight-loss and the hanging flab.
   — [Deactivated Member]

August 18, 2003
I go to my GP to be adjusted every 2 weeks and I was just told that I have sciatica from all the walking I am doing. I just want you to know that you are not alone out there. I have to continue to walk, that isn't a choice for me, so I am searching for some other type of relief from that pain. I will let you know if I find it. Thanks Jennifer
   — jchurch70

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