can anyone provide me with a sample letter about supervised diets within last 5 years

for us aetna hmo    — mary ann D. (posted on April 19, 2003)

April 19, 2003
I had Aetna and was approved but, they would not accept a letter of any kind. They needed the actual notes taken by my Dr. to prove supervised. Good Luck!
   — Barbara S.

April 19, 2003
I also had Aetna. They 2 mos. to approve me. Agony!! Anyway, Aetna wanted my Dr's notes (a complete photocopy of my entire medical history with doctor, which was 4 years) I also wrote a letter on my own. I'll email you a copy. I really believe it's what helped me to get approved.
   — Babs B.

April 19, 2003 arch nemissis... I have a letter I sent them along with every photocopy of Dr. notes I could get my hands on. (OBGYN, PCP, the whole works..) They denied me before I sent the letter, then approved me. I'll email you the letter. Best of luck - Leah 9 weeks post op.
   — Leah S.

April 19, 2003
In case you don't have them, here are the current Aetna requirements (they became tougher on 1/17/2003): Thanks for listening
   — [Deactivated Member]

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