Has anyone else experienced jitters about not passing preop tests?

I have no reason to believe that I won't qualify for surgery based on my preop tests, but I am still petrified. I have a surgery date (in 4 weeks). I want this to happen so bad that I am afraid somethings going to throw a kink in it. Has anyone else had this problem? I am scared that if I make too many preparations or tell too many people and then have my preop tests (in 2 weeks) and something stops it I will be devasted and feel like a fool.    — Jennifer H. (posted on April 17, 2003)

April 17, 2003
Try to relax, the tests are for our safety. Even if something turns up it should be fixable. Chances are great you will have no showstoppers. Every one of us worries about the same thing.
   — bob-haller

April 17, 2003
Try to relax, the tests are for our safety. Even if something turns up it should be fixable. Chances are great you will have no showstoppers. Every one of us worries about the same thing.
   — bob-haller

April 17, 2003
Hello Jennifer! I have felt jitters with EVERY test I have taken. BUT, when I get the results back...I am so very happy that my DR required the testing and that I am as healthy as a person with my BMI can be. I am having surgery on May first and I have only the cardiologist appointment left to do. I am hoping and praying that all is well with my ticker, so nothing stops or delays my surgery. They are all precautionary measures that we all should have to go throuh. I wish you the BEST of luck in your journey! I hope you have a smooth road ahead of you! Take good care!
   — Chapin H.

April 17, 2003
Ya must be my sister. I am so positive about anyone else's pre surgery but negative about myself and always have been!!! how about me being positive for you and you being positive for me and we can cancel out our negative sides *twirls blonde hair* good luck. I have "upped" my daily vitamin and will take 1 dose of pepto bismo two days before testing for H-Pylori (pepto sometimes makes positive tests show negative) just to cover what I can on those pre op tests. Im anemic and have had h-pylori *lol* in past.... those two will be my problems if I get cancelled due to testing. Oh yeah and sicknesses going around.. I have already figured I'll be the first in my area with SARS...*rolls eyes* before surgery... told ya I was yer sister.... seriously if we don't pass tests i guess this really means we are not in best condition - maybe God knows more than us and we should fix it before surgery so nothing REAL BAD happens... May 28th if Lord willing on my end.... best wishes (hugs)
   — WLS_Deb

April 17, 2003
WLS Deb's was a sweet and entertaining answer. I am sure you will be fine. Everything went fine for me until I did my preop tests. Blood work, everything was right on the nail. Until I found out I have a 6 mm kidney stone. I never even knew I had it!!! I have waited for two years for this surgery date and now it might be put off. :-( Unfortunately things come up, but just hang in there!
   — Marcy G.

April 17, 2003
OMG, I had to make sure it wasn't me who posted this question! I have been totally freaked out because I am SO afraid that something is going to stop this whole process. We just bought my moms plane tickets so she can watch my son while I am having surgery and I was so nervous buying them because if something happens with my pre-op results then we are screwed!! So, I feel your nervousnes and anxiousness! I am having surgery May 19th and pre-op May 12th. I wish you the best of luck! I am sure everything will be fine and it is just nerves but I don't think I will feel better about it until I am waking up in recovery!
   — Tami H.

April 17, 2003
Jennifer, I'm almost 9 months out, but I, too, could have posted this before my surgery. I thought the psychologist and the dietician were both going to tell me to forget about it. Then the pulmonologist. Then I figured my PCP would find something. Then, there was some glitch at the lab where I did my pre-op bloodwork and urine tests, and I had to go back 3 different times. I was in tears the Friday before my surgery on Tuesday because of this lab thing, and I thought it was over and they just weren't TELLING me. Then I started thinking about the previous 2 months and how I'd thought it was over at every step. You're perfectly normal. This is going to happen, and you'll do great! :) Oh yes... and I like the SARS thing. Good thing we weren't worrying about this last summer... I'm not sure I could have withstood the extra worries! LOL. Good Luck! Kelly
   — Kelly B.

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