Green Pea Soup

Green Pea Soup seems to have more protein than most soups, can I eat it one week post op?    — Gail O. (posted on April 16, 2003)

April 16, 2003
I did. I like to add a little vinagar to it. Give it a try. Good Lux
   — Robert L.

April 16, 2003
Hi Gail...As every poster will tell you, EVERY Doc. has a different set of guidelines for post-op. I am 5 weeks post (open rny 3/11/03 and down 46lbs.) and for instance I am on one more week of liquid and his explination for why is so that your insides have time to heal. Makes perfect sence to me!!! I have been eating pea soup for about 3 weeks myself. If you go for the canned type, watch for the little bits of ham, or you could always make your own. (Cheap too! I thru a small bag in the crock pot and have enough in my freezer to last a good while.) Start slow, make sure its thin enough and give it a of luck to you!! Hugs..
   — spunkybear

April 16, 2003
I was able to eat soups once I hit my full liquid stage (except Tomato soup which can cause dumping due to the sugar content). The soups do have to be blended and strained though. I did fine with pea soup. good Luck!
   — Kris T.

April 16, 2003
Hi there! Pea soup is one of the few things that I ate during my liquid stages that I'll still eat now. Jello...not a chance! lol..anyways! It should be fine! it's low in fat, high in protein...perhaps just strain it to make sure it's pure liquid. The only side affect I noticed with me that early out was it gave me green poop. Go figure! But, congrats on getting to the other side!! Good luck with everything!!! HUGS
   — Christie N.

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