Do most surgeons do post op blood work at 3 months?

I am almost 3 months post op. My PCP is doing my follow up since I traveled 1000 miles for surgery. I thought everyone was expected to get 3 month check ups including blood work to make sure we are doing OK. When I called my surgeons office today they said I don't need blood work until 6 months. I just want to make sure I am staying healthy. The only vitamins I am taking a multi vitamin and calcium citrate.    — Brenda G. (posted on April 10, 2003)

April 10, 2003
My surgeon ordered mine at my 6 week checkup. Still waiting on results.
   — Sandy T.

April 10, 2003
Mine didn't order it until 6 months.
   — mom2jtx3

April 10, 2003
Our surgeon starts at 3 months. Why wait for 6 months to see if you're deficient in crucial nutrients?
   — jnc

April 10, 2003
3 months-6 months-9 months-1 year blood work. Only way to track and compare.
   — Cindy R.

April 10, 2003
I just went for my 6 month check up, and my surgeon does not do blood work until 1 year, he claims all others are too soon to see how your body is really doing. But I think you should be taking more then just a multi and calcuim. I also take iron everyday and sub-lingual b-12's 2xs a week. Take care!
   — Rose B.

April 10, 2003
We do quarterly, also. Get copies of all labs from pre-op til forever. Watch for trends in the elements you understand. Going up, going down? And show them to the doc. Most docs actually LIKE us to do this.
   — vitalady

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