Did you lie on your licences weight and by how much?

Before surgery I had on my licence that I weight 100 pounds less than I actually did. Now post-op I am waiting impatiently to get to that weight listed on my DL. Come on, confess. I ain't the only sinner.    — jocelyn (posted on April 9, 2003)

April 8, 2003
Does anyone tell the truth about their weight on their drivers licence? I think your list will be shorter, much much shorter if you ask who told the truth. BTW--mine said 95 lbs less than my weight. Now..I have lost 130 lbs...I have actually had merchants turn down my check because they didnt believe I was the person on the ID.
   — RebeccaP

April 8, 2003
LOL! Well, in Florida, they do not show a person's weight on the DL's. However, I must admit I have NEVER been 100% honest about my weight because I have been so ashamed of that number most of my life. (I am guilty, too) The only thing on my DL that differed from my medical records was my height. My DL says that I am 5'4" and I am only 5'3" -- I think my height was measured with my walking shoes on (over 10 years ago) and I never questioned it. When I started my weight loss journey, I asked my all of my Doctors measure my height officially. Also, a couple of my friends that are 5'3" insisted that we were all the same height...(I have always worn some sort of heal)! I'm glad I did it. One inch made a big difference in my BMI, too. It went from 39 to 41. If I were you, I'd focus on my medical records say--that's all that really counts in the end. >^,,^< Kim
   — Kim W.

April 8, 2003
Luckily, Pennsylvania doesn't ask for a person's weight on the driver's license application so I didn't have to lie *G*...JR
   — John Rushton

April 8, 2003
I'm with John in PA, luckily they don't have that listed on the license. Probably would have lied if they had anyway.
   — Dee ,.

April 8, 2003
I have lied for years on my license. I told them I weigh 295 when actually I weigh 420. With all of the judgment of the people looking at your license as ID and sometimes to get different jobs and not wanting to be discriminated against. Yes, I lied and will do it again!
   — Diana D.

April 8, 2003
I had my weight as my high school weight for years I finally asked them to raise it because it became embrassing that it was so far off. I remember the lady saying you know you don't have to tell the truth I said I'm not. Unfortunately it became a 100 pounds off and I still have 30 pounds to lose to get to the correct weight. I may go in and have them do another picture though because I have been challenged as to whether or not the picture is me.
   — Candace F.

April 8, 2003
I put 135 on mine when I was actually 185-190 (and then gained 25 more pounds) but now 7 months after RNY I am 138 and only 3 pounds away from telling the truth, but I still have 20 pounds to goal so good thing my ID is Kansas and now I live in Chicago, good excuse to get a REAL picture of me LOL. Take care everyone.
   — April G.

April 8, 2003
One of my goals is to actually weigh what it says on my license!
   — koogy

April 8, 2003
Funny you should mention this. I actually reference this on my profile. I lied by about 60 - 70 pounds and now I am around 90 pounds less. LOL
   — Beffy W.

April 8, 2003
All of you fibbers shame on you!!!!!Just kidding I have a drum roll please 100 pound difference.. Ha I think I am the winner... I need to move to fl or pa no weight huh? That would be refreshing......
   — hillafb U.

April 9, 2003
At the time I had my license done I weighed 465 I put 350, that didn't seem to bad. A year later I am 255. I knew I could do it, just not this fast.
   — Gary H.

April 9, 2003
I too have lied about my weight on my driver's license by 75 to 100 lbs. I goal to drop well below that and have a new picture taken. It just stinks that I just renewed my license and they are good for another 5 years.
   — emtp435

April 9, 2003
Texas doesn't list the weight on your license either. But when I went to take my test at 16, I did have to put the weight down on the paperwork. If I remember correctly I put 180 when I was really 215-220.
   — Ali M

April 9, 2003
Ok, me too, I lied by 91 lbs. I weighed 271 and had 180 on mine. Now I'm 1 pound from goal and the weight on my license is 34 lbs too high!!!
   — Margaret B.

April 9, 2003
I have had 200# on my DL for years, even thought I weighed about 370#. I am now 4# from being my DL weight but now I look nothing like the photo. -170# 7/8/02
   — Molly G.

April 9, 2003
Funny you should ask...I had to renew my license two weeks after my surgery and weighed about 260. The weight on my previous license was 180 (which was only 10 pounds off when I got it)...but as a new RNYer I wasn't sure what to do! So, my hubby suggested that I put 210 - and then blow right past that is what I did...I guess we called it an optimistic "happy medium". I figure by not leaving it at 180, at least I will get a new picture out of the deal!
   — eaamc

April 9, 2003
too funny, one of the goals I listed for myself was to match my weight on my licencse which says 150 and probably was never that to start with!!! thanks for the chuckle!
   — Kerry R.

April 9, 2003
VA does not require weight on the license, but every since I was a teenager, and I was not overweight until I was in my late 20's or early 30's, I have fudged the weight, usually lowering it by 10 pounds! I think its a woman thing where even normal weighted women fudge when asked their weight!
   — Cindy R.

April 9, 2003
"Well, in Florida, they do not show a person's weight on the DL"---Go figure...I'm now at goal and I move to FL a week ago!!!!
   — RebeccaP

April 9, 2003
This is too funny, for some reason I had to look at my DL yesterday to see what it said, I'm only over by 7 lbs now that I have lost 117lbs! I said to my kids that everyone fudges a little, but by 124 lbs! Do you think they bought it!
   — Laure H.

April 9, 2003
when i first got my licence i put my weight on it of 185 i just kept it at that as i gained weight and never bothered with it or thought about it, now when i went to renew my licence after having lost so much weight, i was about 155 give or take a few pnds, but asked the lady to put 140 because that was my goal and i knew i was still losing i actually told her my real weight and she put the 140 down anyways, now im at 142 so hey there is nothing wrong with putting what you feel your gonna weigh in the end bacause why pay the money to have it changed again when you will be fitting right into the weight you have on there soon anyways...........and we are not lying we are just fibbing lol.....were streatching the truth for just a few months!
   — Deanna Wise

April 9, 2003
Do some licenses actually have the weight listed on it?? I'm shocked! in NJ they ask for your weight, but don't put it on the license. Has anyone had people doing double takes when they look at your license b/c you now look so different? I've lost 115lbs and always get carded in bars b/c I'm 23 but look younger, and most of the time they don't believe it's me- i have to take out other forms of ID. LOL I'm like "I just lost weight" Pretty good feeling though!
   — Lezlie Y.

April 9, 2003
My license has had the same weight since I was 16. 126# and I lied about that then. Now I am 32 and post-surgery(lost 120#) I was tired of looking at my picture on my license, it didn't look like me and I was afraid people would turn down my checks or not believe it was me but when I went to get a new license, since mine hasn't expired yet, they weren't gonna let me get a new picture. then I showed them my picture and they all couldn't believe it was me and made an exception and gave me a new picture. Now my picture looks like me and I am almost to my license weight.
   — [Deactivated Member]

April 9, 2003
~*~singing~*~ I'M a sinner, YOU'RE a sinner, wouldn't you like to be a sinner TOO! LOL! Mine has said 160 for YEARS, and I'm CLEARLY now where NEAR that... LOL!! Well, now I am, but still. In Alaska, it's on the front of your license, plain as day.
   — Diana L.

April 9, 2003
My license doesn't have a weight but my military id does and I have never weighed what it says on it. My goal is to weigh well below it and for them not to let me on base one time because they won't believe it is me. My id says that I weigh 165 and my height is 5'4" but I am really 228 and 5'3" so I didn't lie that bad. There was a special on a few months ago that had Kid Rock checking Id's at a base in Germany and the woman showed him her id and it said like 135 and she was no where near that weight when she drove off he made some sort of comment about it. Luckily the Mp's aren't allowed to make comments like that.
   — S C.

April 9, 2003
Our weight is listed on our liscense in Indiana as well. When I first got my liscense I had them put down a weight of 250lbs. At the time I was closer to 300lbs. As my weight climbed I never bothered to have it changed. I topped out at 388lbs with my driver's license still saying I weighed 250lbs. In November my license expired, and I went to have it renewed. The woman behind the counter didn't even look at me when she asked if all my information was the same. I decided that I wasn't going to change the weight on my liscense. After all, I was under 300lbs for the first time in a long time and I was confident I would get below 250lbs eventually. I am happy to say that my driver's license is still wrong, but now it is because I weigh less than what is listed. I weigh 239lbs as of this morning, 11lbs less than my license. I am going to wait until I get to at least 200lbs before I have it updated. Actually, I might just wait until 199. Then the weight on my DL will start with a 1 for the first time ever!
   — Jenny S.

April 9, 2003
I have an Ohio driver's licence and ours also lists a weight. Mine says 170#. Really, I'm a little over, 260, lol.
   — lindadougherty

April 9, 2003
LOL What a Great question!!! I thought I was the only one. My license says I weigh 175lbs...I actually weigh 297 lbs. 175....that would be a dream come true.
   — Schtina J.

April 9, 2003
My license said "200" (I'm 5'7") at everywhere from 210 to 280. I actually weighed 200 for about five minutes once, I think. The nice thing is, now that I'm at goal (145-147), people almost refuse to accept it as an i.d. anymore. :~D Guess it's time to get a new one.
   — Suzy C.

April 9, 2003
My license says that I weight 275lbs (even though my highest was I actually for the first time in my life now weigh less than what it says, 231lbs. Can't wait until I can have it changed to 1??. Take Care, Toni (OPEN RNY 01/10/02 -210lbs)
   — toni D.

April 9, 2003
Excellent question!!! Funny you ask, my licence has the same weight listed on it from the day I got my driver's permit 17 years ago! In my mind I've always been 125#'s!!! Now hopefully I will be there soon (still pre op). Best wishes to all..aimee
   — chickiewickie

April 9, 2003
Thankfuly PA doesn't put weight on the licenses! LOL
   — Beverly S.

April 9, 2003
Great question! I recently had to go get a new license because no one would accept my old one as ID for me anymore. When I went to the DMV and told them I needed a new picture, the guy readily agreed that that wasn't me and asked how much I had lost. At that point I had lost 262 pounds and I told him that. The DMV guy said that was interesting because my listed weight on my license was 250 pounds so I had lost more than I ever weighed! I agreed that it was a miracle and one of those amazing things and I was obviously lucky to still be alive. I must say though that that new driver's license photo is one of my favorite pictures of the new me. How many times can you say that about a govt. photo?
   — Traci H.

April 9, 2003
I now weigh less than what is on my license. When I weighed 260, it had 165 listed. Now whenever I show my license at airports, no one believes it is me.
   — barbara A.

April 9, 2003
Hmmmm... my weight has gone up and down so many times over the years that at times my license weight of 235 was correct, a couple of times it was 40 pounds too high and at "the end" (pre-surgery), it was 72 pounds too low! Now my license weight of 235 is 45 pounds too high! That's one of my goals: to get a new license with a more "normal" weight on it! :o)
   — Jennifer A.

April 10, 2003
When I got my first license at 16 (almost 10 years ago), I said that I weighed 210. No one questioned it. I didn't weigh 210 then . Even at my highest weight 500+ my license said 210. When I actually pass the 210 I will gladly pay the fee to get a new license and actually put a real weight on it:)!
   — Kimmie C.

April 10, 2003
My DL says 250, which WAS a lie for a long time. I weighed 365 when I had wls, now I weigh 239, so it's wrong again!! :o)
   — fropunka

April 10, 2003
Ok...I know that New Jersey gets a bad rap...and no, we're not all related to the Soprano's and everything is not industrial. I live out in the country where there are more farms than homes, and more cows than people...but I digress... No matter where you are from in New Jersey we have the 'best' driver's license program :-) No weight, and you don't even have to have a picture on it if you don't want to!!! How great is that!!!! Now I'm just waiting to update the photo on my passport when it expires....
   — angelav

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