Why can't I stop eating the week before my period??

Okay ladies, I really need some support here. I am in my PMS week, and can't stop eating. I'm not hungry. I just want to snack all day. I am really good at all other times, I'm just wondering if this is related to hormones or stress or something else. What can I do to stop eating?? A typical day this last week has been a poached egg with cheese in the morning, lunch is a half lean cuisine/frozen dinner thing, then about an hour later, I am going crazy for sweets and carbs. I'll have a few tortilla chips with cheese and salsa, then half hour later a scoop of SF ice cream, a bite of a cookie, then a handful of this or is really bothering me and feel like I can't stop. I do try to get in one protein shake a day. I should also add that I am five months out and have done well in my weight loss. Does anyone think my snacking is boredom/depression related? I am unemployed, looking for work, my husband is always gone away to work, and I recently went off my antidepressant meds. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, Kim S. Open RNY Nov. 4/02 (-106 lbs.)    — Kim S. (posted on April 8, 2003)

April 8, 2003
Did your psychiatrist take you off your meds or did you stop them yourself? Maybe you still need them. I get the munchies with my period...but since I hadn't had a period without meds for YEARS before my surgery, I just figured it was part of the cycle. Lap DS, 6/0/02 (-115 lbs)
   — Pamela B.

April 8, 2003
Kim, I eat like crazy about a week before aunt flo comes to town. I think its pretty normal. This question has been asked many times, and most people reply with the same answers.
   — RebeccaP

April 9, 2003
If it REALLY bothers you, go see your PCP. He or she may recommend birth control pills (monophasic) and/or an SSRI antidepressant. Of course, you may or may not want to pursue it this way (medically).
   — Patricia E.

April 9, 2003
Do you find yourself grazing this way when it is not the week before your period? If not, then it may just be the hormones. Pre-op, I used to get awful cravings for sweets right before and during my period. However, being unemployed can be stressful too and if you went off your antidepressant, that too can contribute to a depressing and stressful environment, and you may be turning to food for comfort. Can you try substituting a good for you protein snack for the bad choices you are making, like a piece of cheese or a low carb protein bar instead of chips or cookies? Or build some snacks into your daily diet, but limit yourself to just 1 or 2 treats, like the SF ice cream or 1 cookie. Sometimes denying yourself the treats also leads to depression and then guilt when you indulge. Instead, work it into the diet so that you eliminate the stress and guilt. Its what I do.
   — Cindy R.

April 9, 2003
Kim, I know exactly how you feel and our situations are a bit similar. I am out of work/school right now as well due to some illnesses and just recently had to stop my anti-depressants due to a ulcer/stomach perforation. So I find myself bored all the time, and food is constantly on the mind, especially around that time. My suggestion is to get back on the meds, or if you can't, maybe see a therapist instead of the meds, because you still have the depression. Also, I don't think you're eating enough during the day. I don't necessarily mean calorie content, but the actual amount of meals. It sounded like you were having 2 meals a few snacks and a protein shake. You really should have 5 small meals a day, or atleast 3 meals and 2 protein drinks/bars. And snacks are okay, but don't graze on them. Add some beans to those tortillas and salsa- so you make it a protein snack. If you increase your meals, you will find that you're not as hungry b/c you're eating more often. Goodluck to you!
   — Lezlie Y.

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