What exercise video/routine do YOU use?

Hi all! Well, i'm 3 months out and 72 pounds down. I've been using the "Walk Away the Pounds" video set for my exercise. Now I'm looking ahead to the future when I'm sure that I'll need some plastic surgery to get rid of some skin! I'm looking for the best exercise videos or routines for the following: <P> Toning the upper arms (reducing the batwing as much as possible!)<BR> Tightening the abs<BR> Building some muscle in my behind!<P> I'm not going to fool myself into thinking that I'm going to become a hard body *grin*, but I DO want to be able to go into any PS with good, toned muscles! Since it was this site that gave me the idea to use the Walk Away the Pounds in the first place, I thought it would be good to ask about these problem areas. So, what do YOU use for toning these 3 areas? Thanks so much!!! :)    — SuzAnne S. (posted on April 8, 2003)

April 8, 2003
Try the "Walk Away the Pounds for Abs" set. It comes with this belt thing with these stretchy things that work your arms. I did the "easy" one mile tape, and when I was done my abs felt like I had just done 50 situps! It was cool! It really works your arms too, and it is a little more advanced than the regular tapes.
   — fropunka

April 8, 2003
the FIRM tapes are all good
   — Vicki L.

April 8, 2003
I've been using the old Cher videos, the abs work and leg work is great. I've also just gotten (not tried yet) a pilates dvd, because that is supposed to tighten up other areas you usually don't work and is good for the whole body. I find the higher impact aerobics is working more for me than the walking type exercises, so I've switched my routines from walking to swimming or the higher impact aerobics and am seeing more results. Good Luck! CB - 1/27/03 - 298/250/175
   — CrystalBroj

April 9, 2003
SuzAnne, have you tried the elliptical trainer? I started using that instead of running all the time in the winter. It works GREAT on your arms and core muscles and it's easy on your knees. And for the butt muscles, I found the stairmaster to be my best friend. When all I did was run, my butt had a hard time filling out my jeans and now I got me a J.Lo booty!! LOL good luck!!
   — Brittany C.

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